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"Don't you dare 'weave us 'gain, Bi-Wan!  You just came back yesterday!"  Leia protested, tugging on his sleeve.

Luke's azure eyes were wide and pleading.  "Bi-Wan, don't go!"  

Obi-Wan chuckled, kneeling to look them both solemnly in the eye.  "I'll be back before night, younglings, I promise."  He patted their heads affectionately.  "Now, be good for your mother, okay?"

Leia giggled.  "We're always good, Bi-Wan!"

Padme raised a brow at Obi-Wan.  "Yes, this little angel had no qualms about putting sand in her brother's bed one night before they went to bed."  

The little girl twisted her feet uncomfortably, her expression sheepish.  "Well, I knew Luke didn't 'wike sand soo I thought it would be a funny joke . . . "

"I got her back though," Luke said proudly.  "I made the Force blown it into hers and then she had to cwean up her bed instead!"

Obi-Wan couldn't hold back his laugh, disguising it quickly as a cough.  He took Leia sternly by the shoulders.  "Now, no more pranks on your brother, at least until I get back, alright?"

"It didn't even work, anyway!" Leia objected.  "I 'ad to spend an hour cweaning it out of my sheets!  I need to get 'im back!"

Padme pulled the twins towards her, her voice meaning business.  "No revenge, Leia.  Now guys, go inside and eat the breakfast on the table.  Obi-Wan needs to go get supplies for the next month."

"Why does he have to go all the way to Market Place?"  Leia complained.  "Mos Espa is much closer!"

Padme's tone was soothing.  "He has to go to different places each time, Leia, so there's a smaller chance of him being recognized.  Besides, there are too many Imperials stationed near Mos Espa.  You don't want Obi-Wan to be captured, do you?"

Leia stuck out her bottom lip.  "No, I guess not," she said grudgingly.  "Bye, Bi-Wan!  Be safe!"  She bounded into his arms for a quick hug, then flounced back inside for her meal.

Obi-Wan smiled tenderly after her, then turned to Padme, giving her a hug.  "I'll be back soon.  Stay safe, and make sure those two don't get back into the chest for Ana- the lightsaber," he corrected.  "We don't want to draw unnecessary attention when the twins aren't training."

Padme nodded.  "Don't worry about us, Obi-Wan.  They'll probably just spend the day bugging the heck out of C3PO."  She smirked.  "Or, in Luke's case, pulling out the wires of everything he gets his hands on to see how they work."  Slowly, her smile faded, her tone becoming more serious.  "Thank you, Obi-Wan.  I don't know how I would have raised those two by myself, without Ana- without you.  I-"  Her voice trembled, but she paused, taking a deep breath and straightening as it regained its strength.  "Thank you for being here with us, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan smiled, both the pain and affection evident in his eyes.  "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    *

"Where are the Jedi?" Vader hissed, his tone sending shivers down the spines of even the Imperial officers at his side.

"Even if we knew," a man spat, "you'll never know." He sneered at the Sith before spitting on the ground. "They are far more powerful than you, Vader. You're only a slave; a pet of the Emperor's. You have no power; you have no-"

The man was dead before his head even hit the ground.

"Now," Vader said silkily, strolling the perimeter of people- all traitors, rounded up for their rebellion against the stationed troops. "I think we've learned from his little tantrum, hm?"

The Love of a Sith (aka The Chosen One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora