Juleka x Rose

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Credit to inspiration:  @Azgar_senpai

Also personal note sorry for late updates this week I have a few personal affairs to tend to just a heads up!

Juleka's POV
I never grew up with a ton of friends, actually I remember myself being too shy to talk to anyone. So much so that my parents actually thought I had a speech disorder. I never really got to hang out with anybody. That's was until I met Rose. I'd always be homeschooled so there was no way We'd met under normal circumstances. Rose was my fathers business partners daughter. The first time I saw her we were pretty young, our fathers were talking about some business deal. And we had been put in the same room to occupy ourselves. I was quite reluctant as I never met her before, but she was so enthusiastic, she lit up and you could tell was extremely sociable. I never thought I'd be attracted to someone with such a bright exterior but her smile made my heart melt. From that point in wed hang out more and more, actually profiting my fathers relationship with her fathers business. So ya meeting was only encouraged. I thought just watching her was enough for me. But I got more and more selfish. I begged father to let her stay at our house and take the same classes as me. He happily obliged ( along with her father ) she stays and is taught at our house whilst visiting her house on weekends. I tend to get lonely sometimes when she's gone. I was doing fine but living with her made my jealousy even worse. I loved her so much.... and yet..... why couldn't I tell her? Was it because I was afraid of rejection? Or The fear of ruining what I had so carfully built over all theses years ?( around 4 years to be exact - since first meeting ) , no, I was afraid I'd lose her smile. 
But I finally decided it was time to tell her and just pray that her smile wouldn't go away, I needed to be not shy for once.

Rose's POV
I met rose on whim. I always liked to live my life happily and joyful it made me and others feel better. I decided to tag along with my dad on a buisiness trip, my father was always reluctant into bringing me places at work. As an omega things are a bit difficult. He never explicitly told me he was never gonna give me the company but I knew. He said that the Couffain's head ( chairman - Juleka's father ) had a daughter and she'd be a suitable candidate. I never really had any interest in business and wasn't exactly mad that he'd consider her an heir but I did enjoy the company of having someone to talk to. When I first saw her she was nothing like I'd imagined, she was shy and timid not at all like what her father and older brother were like. It took me completely off guard, and yet.... what was this heart throbbing feeling? Why did I suddenly get nervous? I shook my head in response to this weird feeling and put on a bright smile to greet her. She was timid and very distant so much so I hadn't heard he speak to me once. Despite that I kept trying hoping she'd let out some type of smile or laugh. By the end of the meeting I thought she hated me until she whispered in her fathers ear. Her father smiled then looked at me. " it seems my daughter had taken a liking to you, I hope you two can meet in the future ?" My father immediately responded " of course! That's great news!" And just like we were on our way. After meeting her a couple more times I grew quite fond of her . To the point I actually moved in with them, we'd garden and have tea parties as well as other activities but being around her truly was what made me smile even more. But why? Was it a great friendship? That's what it was.... right? ( skip to current time right before Adrien and Luka went to the banquet - I had said they were on a trip - this is the moment where Juleka asks rose to go ) I was doing a bit of extra work. To catch up on some of my math, when Juleka had come into my room. She was holding two pamphlets ( am I the only one who thought this was written differently???) she motioned for me to read them. They were cruise tickets, I was actually super happy it had been a while since we got to go on a trip!

RO: " were going on a trip!...?" I said with a huge grin she nodded

JU: " Remeber to have your stuff packed for tomorrow we head of early morning"

RO: " why so suddenly?"

JU: " I don't feel like attending a banquet so my father handed theses over to me as compensation, * whisper * actually it couldn't have come at a better time"

RO: " oh I see, what was that last part ?" I acted as though I hadn't heard that last part but she just said " oh nothing" what did she mean by that? Whatever! I need to PACK!

3rd POV
They both headed on they're cruise and had and enjoyed the first fiew days. after spending an eventful day out they both headed to they're rooms balcony. Under the moonlight with millions stars Juleka joined rose.

JU: " hey rose"

RO: " hey! The stars look amazing tonight right!?"

JU: " they do, but you look better" I looked at Juleka she seemed a bit shocked at what I said, but it was my turn to take the first leap. I leaned in and put an intense kiss in it was hot and steamy and the moment I parted from her lips she knew exactly what I was trying to say she pulled herself back in and we headed to the bed.

Rose's POV
The kiss took me off guard but the moment her lips left mine I knew I wanted more. This, THIS, was the feeling of been having for so long and it was worth it. She led me to the bed ripping off my clothes on the way there her hands trailing my body touching each inch and crevace her pheromones definitely affected mine creating a heat and lustful filled room. Her hands made her way to my inner thighs and her fingers were both rough and soft at the same time hitting all my spots even the ones I didn't know I had. She left a trail of bites and kisses along my neck ( in the process of marking ) as her fingers penetrated me going further in and out " aaaah~hng.....hmf" I tried muffling my sounds but was quickly denied as she took over even more of my body. As I soaked there in pleaser my hands started trailing her too, the more I worked over her the more her face strayed to turn a crimson red colour. We continued until none of us could move any more, I slowly hugged Juleka before saying " for someone so shy your pretty lewd"
" I guess your right"

3rd POV
They enjoyed the rest of they're vacation only to return back to the mansion and find.... Adrien missing! And Luka going crazy trying to find him?!

HEY guys author here ! Hope you enjoyed this mini skit and side story, comment your reactions I love to read them! remember original credit for the inspiration goes to @Azgar_senpai !

HEY guys author here ! Hope you enjoyed this mini skit and side story, comment your reactions I love to read them! remember original credit for the inspiration goes to @Azgar_senpai !

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Additional Note: I decided to pick a slightly different concept than maid for future story reference! Sorry if that's note what you ideally wanted!

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