First encounter Luka's perspective

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My name is Luka Couffain, I'm from a renowned and high respected family of alphas. Not only are we known for our high lineage but our wealth as well. I have a sister named Juleka she's a lot more fragile than I am so I take my time to protect her. After my mother's passing my father had decided to seclude himself in his work at one of our many companies, so me and juleka are left here at our mansion, we don't have any other close relatives so we keep each other company that and our maids.

I met Gabriel Agreste on a whim, one of my fathers joint galas , Gabriels designs were on display however not many people found interest. After it had ended I heard a conversation, it was Gabriel and what appeared to be miss Bourgeois, she's a well known designer here in Paris. Apparently she had scouted him but even she couldn't help his designs and warned him to pay her back. I was quite young then but decided to strike a deal, I felt bad and it was right after my mother had passed so needed a distraction. I offered him enough money to pay her back if he payed me back , as I thought he would he agreed . He upheld that agreement for a year or two until recent events. He left me a letter and offered his son up for the remaining of the money, I believe he just a wanted a place for his son to stay but I don't mind.

I was somewhat eager to find out who this new person was, I've been bored for quite some time and need something new to take my mind of work and my daily life. I sent Alfred to fetch him, and awaited patiently in my office until I saw the silver fringe pull up across the private headgery . I was leaning across my desk when the doors slowly crept open.

I was taken in as this blonde hair green eyed frail looking boy came in. His face shimmered with the sun from the grand window and I could tell he was looking me up and down. I smirked a little in amusement thought it was funny at the time he looked up and blushed, his rosy red cheeks were as clear as the sky threw his porcelains skin and for the first time I wondered how it would feel to hold someone in my arms.

Hello author here! Hope you enjoyed this part make sure to read the next one to find out what happens next!

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