Chapter 4

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Only a week into the school year and I was failing half my classes. Turns out my sudden burst of magical powers was only a sudden burst. The only class i suceded in was Imortal Combat. I hadn't realized that was even a thing but i guess we had to learn to fight with guns, swords and knives if we were gonna beat and monsters should there be an attack.

The school was surronded by magical borders and was watched over 24/7 but ocassionally the security guard would fall asleep on the job or a monster would sneek in on the first day while parents were dropping kids off. That only happend once when I was here and two students were able to dispose of the creature quickly. As they ran by I noticed one was Mystery Boy and in the split second he saw me he slowed down to wink before catching up to his partner.

It was finally Friday andafter an exhausting week of teachers expecting me to be some amazing wizard and most of the students immediatly putting me in the "freak" cartergory I was ready for my last class until Monday. I'm lucky that class just happens to be combat.

I walk into the class in after I've changed into my cropped leggings and fitted black tank top. I instantly notice Mystery Boy leaning against the wall at the far end of the gym... staring right at me. I couldn't help but blush staring at my feet. What was he doing here? He's not in this class!

My thoughts are interupted by the teacher adressing the class. "Okay, today you will be continueing working on Hand to Hand combat. However, one of you has excelled so much in the last two lessons that I deam it unfair that you will not be challenged as the others will be. And for your partner to not get any better because all you do is beat them every time." This gets a few snickers from the class but mostly they're wondering who it is she's talking about. "So, Andrea, if you could meet me at the teachers station while I get everyone else started I will be with you in a moment."

For a second I find myself standing there in shock with my mouth hanging open. I wasn't that good was I? I make my way over to the teachers station beaming as the rest of the class eyes me with jealousy. That's when I notice Mystery Boy making his way towards me.

"You're the girl who freaked out after accidentally using magic, aren't you?" He said forcing himself not to laugh.

I felt a sudden burst of anger teaming inside me. "Uh, yea I guess." I said clenching my fists.

That's when he finally bursts unable to contain his laughter. "I can't believe you're the one Coach thought was the most promising student in his class!"

"Well believe it because I happen to be the best at combat in the entire Dryad class!" That's what they classified us by. Instead of freshman, sophmore, junior, senor we were Dryads, Harpies, Drakons and Pegasi. Most were greek monsters however Pegasi are more of a global thing. "What class are you in?"

"None of them, I graduated two years ago." Mystery boy looked proud of himself as i stared at him wide eyed.

"How old are you again?" I asked still amazed.


"That means you had to've been... twelve when you started school here." I couldn't believe it. I was standing in front of a real live magic prodigy.

" Actually, I was born here. My parents raised me here. They were both teachers. As I grew up I learned little bits and pieces of magic and combat so it was really easy to pick it up when I finally got my spirals when I was thirteen." He held out both hims hands to reveal black markings running up and down his arms. I had never seen any like them. My parents both had purple and my sister and I had red and blue. "When I finally started school at fourteen I worked really hard and skipped Harpy and Drakon going staight into my Pegesus year, now I'm head of the defense team, a group of students and graduated Magics like me who decided to stick around. Anyway, Coach told me yesterday that he had a student that he tought should be bumped up to Imortal Combat III, which is a drakon level class and i was happy to help, well, more like forced but whatever."

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