Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirpping outside. I sit up a little confused. The birds are never up before me. I lay back down enjoying the peacefulness of the morning.

Suddenly, I jerk back up realizing how late it must be. I reach over to my alarm and check the time. 8:07.

"Shit!" I jump out of bed and race over to my closet. I don't have time for a run or a shower. And my bunny test is this morning at 8:20. No doubt, I'm gonna be late.

I quickly change into the first clothes I can find and am brushing my teeth as I race out the door at 8:14. If I run I might make it.

When I get to the classroom it's 8:21 and everyone is already seated. "Sorry I'm late," I huff as I take a seat at the back of the class.

"Don't let it happen again, Miss Perdue." Mrs. Honeycob glares at me with a peircing glare. I wince. I hate being on the spot.

"As I was saying, today is the bunny test. I hope you all prepared well." She looks at me when she says this and I sink even further into my seat.

"Up first we have, Harpy Comstock." A shy girl with a petite frame much like my own walks to the front of the class. She ends up being unsurprisingly good at the whole magic thing. Next, Timothy Grayson. Then, Gracy Martinez. And Soon enough there are only two people left. Me and some kid who still picks his nose.

"Andrea, you're up." I gulp at the sound of my name. I walk to the front of the class with my bunny, legs shaking slightly. I hope nobody notices.

I stare at the bunny for a second trying to connect my self with it. I can't help but feel a little stupid trying to bcome one with the bunny. Finally feeling confident, I blink thinking, Blue.

When I open my eyes I just about jump with joy as I have successfully turned the bunny blue.

"I did it!" I thrust my hands in the air, receiving a few giggles from the rest of the class. This time though, they're laughing with me, not at me.

I notice one deep laugh from behind me that I know isn't Mrs. Honeycob and turn around just in time to catch a glace of a figure leaving the doorway. A figure that belongs to Vince. I don't know whether to be happy he came to see how I did or embarrassed that he saw my reaction.

I put my bunny back in it's cage and make my way back to my seat. I did magic.


i know this chapter is really short but i kind of love it as short and sweet. plus, it didnt really
make sense for me to put what comes next in the same chapter bc it about to get real.
sorry i havent updated in sooooooooo long

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