Chapter 8

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A girl jumps out of the window of the old warehouse from two stories up, a mass of blonde curls following close behind. There's a fire in her blue eyes, her aura is uncontrollable, veins pulsing with hatred and anger. She looks both directions before noticing the figure in the alley, knowing it's him. She walks casually over to him, her tall, black, heeled boots clicking on the pavement. The figure looks up. There's a satisfied look on his face and his black orbs for eyes reflect off the street lamps.

"It's done, he's dead," the girl holds out her hand and the man smiles greedily.

"You've done well, little girl, I'm so glad we could finally be reunited." He places a ring in her hand. It radiates Darkness and the large, dark ruby in the center swirls with power.

"It's good to see you too," the girl smiles a wicked grin. "Brother." She laughs an evil laugh and places the ring on her finger. She links her arm with his and they dive into the shadows, seeming to disappear into nothingness.


I jolted out of bed with a start. I glanced around in the darkness, finding that I was safe in my dorm room. I'm drenched in sweat. Then I remember. "Amelia!" I quickly turn on the light and shove my sockless feet into my shoes and grab a sweatshirt off a chair. Ivy wakes up rubbing her eyes.

"What are you even doing?" Ivy rolls out of bed. She looks up and sees the crazed look in my eyes. I have to get to my sister. Talk to her before she does something stupid. Help her. "Andrea......", Ivy speaks to me gently a look of confusion and concern on her face.

I know I probably look crazy but it didn't matter right now. "My danger...," and with that I bolted out the door, my pin in my hair and Ivy close behind.

We sprint down the corridors twisting and turning until we finally reach my sister's room. I pound on the door repeatedly until her roommate finally opens it. I rush inside. Just like I feared, she's gone.

I can feel myself sinking to the floor. I was too late. Too late. I can hear Ivy talking to Emmy's roommate in the background. She says Emmy left around 3am, said she had things she needed to do, said not to worry. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Ivy kneels down in front of me. I vaguely hear her say we're gonna find her. It's no use. We're too late. I feel her lift my shaking body. She's really strong..... Emmy... I'm hardly aware about what's happening around me. People came out of their rooms to see what the commotion was. I just stop paying attention. None of it matters.


"I'm telling you she's been staring at that wall for an hour, I don't know how to help her," I hear Ivy speak quietly to a person by the door,"You're the only person I could think of who might be able to get through to her."

I hear the person sigh. It's a boy. "Okay." It's Vince. He walks over next to me and kneels down so his face is below mine and he looks up at me. His face is riddled with worry but my eyes don't leave they're spot on the wall. Images of Emmy with that guy are racing through my mind. I can feel the tears running silently down my cheeks. Vince takes my hand gently and starts running his thumb across it in figure eight motions. "Andrea?" His voice is soft and low. I feel my shoulders relax a little. "Andrea, can you please look at me?"

I open my mouth a little but no sound comes out. I tear my eyes from the wall and move them to my lap. I close them for a minute, take a deep breath, and move them to Vince. I feel my eyes well up with tears seeing the sympathetic look on his face. I don't like it when people look at me like that. He gives me a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"You know what, you need to get out of this room." Vince stands up and grabs me by the

"What're you-"

"We're going out." Before I even have the chance to protest he has me in a firemen's carry and is dragging me out of the room. I see Ivy cover her mouth to keep from laughing be fore leading the way.

When we enter the courtyard, all eyes glance awkwardly or sympathetically (but usually a weird mix of both) in my direction. I try not to pay attention to them. Vince plops me down at a table and disappears toward the center of the courtyard. Ivy sits down across from me. After a few moments of pouting and trying to tame my now even more mangled mane, Vince returns with three coffees and a stack of pancakes taller than me. I bring my knees in towards my chest and let the warmth from the mug work its way to my cold, stiff hands. I hadn't realized I was clenching them since seeing my sister's empty bed, perfectly made, no sign of her being there.

Vince and Ivy spend the next hour having a contest to see who can eat the most pancakes. About five minutes in Dean shows up to join in on the fun. I even let myself crack a small smile when Ivy smashes the last pancake in Dean's face, leaving him covered in whipped cream and blueberries. Of course, it only takes him a second to make it all disappear before one of the monitors notices. Though, not before Ivy dips her finger in the whipped cream, of course.

I am so grateful to have these friends to distract me from things happening with my family but ever now and then my mind wanders. Some thoughts creep into my mind before I can shut them out. I have a brother? why were his eyes black? How long has he been hidden from me? How long has Amelia known about him? Who did she kill last night? Why now? Why didn't he come to me? Why did mom and dad hide him away? Where do I find the answers I need?

As I'm walking back to my room in the early evening after spending the afternoon on the beach watching half the school splash through the mucky lake water, I realize there's only one person who can tell me. There's only one person who has always known the right thing to say when I really need it. It's time to pay a visit to someone I haven't seen in a long time. Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house I go.

Sneaking out of this school is going to be the hard part


two chapters one day! (although i will admit i had the last one written already i just decided to publish it separate from this one, sorry not sorry) it's really nice to be writing again and i hope to do so a lot more soon! i dont think i will be able to get myself on a schedule though, its just not how i roll (as you can tell, lol). i do hope to write a little more regularly though. welp thats all i got.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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