Chapter 5

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the picture is ivy incase you didnt know chapter 5 sooo yeah some stuff is about to go down i don't want to spoil so i'll shut up now.


By noon I had somewhat composed myself. I shoved open the door to the gym shaking the jitters away. I couldn't stop thinking about this morning. Was there a connection? Did he actually like me? Did I like him? What was I going to do? Could I trust him with my past? I would have to be able to trust him woth my life first.

Vince was alredy there. I walked in quietly watching him beat the living crap out of a dummy. He swung his sword over and over slowly copping it to bits. I watched his arms move. You could see his muscled through the back of his thin black shirt. His hair was a perfect mess of black on the top of his head. Yea, I totally liked him.

"Oh, there you are." Vince's voice snapped me back into reality.

"Here I am!" Too eager dial it down. "So are we gonna get into some combat or what?"

"Yea but first we gotta get you a weapon." Vince leads me towards a huge closet around the corner behind the teachers station. "Behold, the closet of destiny," Vince says dramatically as he opens the doors. I can't help but giggle at this gesture but then I notice whats in the closet.

Row upon row of knives and swords, sharpened to perfection, glistening with a radiant bronze glow. There are also bronze arrows and bows, spears, sheilds, you name it. But I can't help nut notice the lack of guns.

"Take your pick." Vince steps out of my way as I slowly creep into the closet my mouth still hanging open. It's actually kind of.... beautiful. I pick up one after the other of sword, knife, dagger and spear but none of them quite feel right. Frustrated I step out into the open gym feeling claustrophobic at the options.

"None of them seem right to me. None of the fit in my hands or seem balanced." I let out a frustrated sigh.

"I, um... have one last option." Vince pulls a hairpin out if his pocket. His hand was shaking and he looked like he might thorw up. "Here, it only works for certain people. It was like, made for few lucky Magics who would aquire the skill to open it." I hastily took the pin from his hand. Suddenly, I felt a beam of power radiate through me, pushing me back. An old sounding voice spoke in my mind, it's sound like nails on a chalk board, Elcetus Erigit, it spoke in another language, latin I think. I felt the pin growing heavier in my hand emiting waves of light so bright I had to avert my eyes. When the light resided, in my hand, I held a golden dagger the length of my forearm. The gem studded handle fit perfectly in my hand. It was the perfect length, perfect balance, perfect size, it was like it was made for me. Vince just stared at me in awe.

"It's perfect. Where'd you get it?" I gulped. Trying to pretend what just happend didn't.

"It was my mother's, her pride and joy. Said it was what made her special. I didn't understand at first but then you came along and somehow I knew it would belong to you. Then when you were the one who was doing so well in immortal combat, I was certain. But the meaning is clear now. That voice, those words, Electus Erigit, latin for the chosen one awakens. Something is happening, something big."

"No, no, no that can't be right." I could feel my breath quicken. "My name is Andrea Perdue, I am seventeen years old and I just got my magic liscensce. I have a twin sister named Amelia and a mom and a dad. I am not special and this can't be right. I don't want this. I just want to be normal." I start listing off all the things I know for sure are real with my eyes squeezed shut. I slowly sink to the ground and hug my knees my chest. I am crying and I drop the hairpin knife dagger thing to the ground. I can feel a flashback coming on and this time, I don't try to stop it.


I'm in the street. And it's raining. I can feel the burn from my father's belt on my back. I notice someone walking towards me, just a dark silhouette in the middle of the road.

"Hey!" A man's voice calls out from the darkness. "You might want to get out of the road before a car comes!"

"I hope I get hit." I manage to say my voice cracking.

"Woah. Are you okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay?" My voice is tinged with annoyment. I can still feel the slashes on my back.

"Hey, I was just tryin' to be nice."

"I know."

He plops down next to me. "I don't know what's buggin' ya but I'm four houses down if you ever need somethin' or someone." He points in the direction he came from. The boy stands up brushing off his jeans and holds a hand out for me. I hesitantly take it and he helps me up.

"Oh yea and my names Ethan."

He's gone before I even get a chance to say thank you.


I snap out of the flashback with two hands shaking my shoulder.

"Hey, you just passed out after sayin' a bunch of stuff about yourself. By the way, I didn't know you had a twin."

"Yea, I uh... do."

"So are you okay?"

"Yea, this sorta happens a lot." Vince had a look of worry painted on his face. I couldn't help but smile. Just a little.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh nothing. It's just that you're cute when you're worried."

"You think I'm cute?" Vince smirks at me.

"I never said that. Oh, wipe that smirk off you're face, ya loon." The seriousness of the moment is gone but it soon comes back again when I realize Vince is on top of me and no one is around and he's staring into my eyes. His face is centimeters away from mine and all I want to do is kiss him. Then, he does it for me. And here we are laying on the floor of the gym as the world collapses around us kissing and I wouldn't have it any other way. So much for that sword-fighting lesson.


DONE! I am so proud of this chapter and ready to go. I cant't wait for that awkward of the inbetween stage. Ahh love. As for that editor contest I found one so contest's off. I'm sorry to all those who were interested you should've acted sooner. I am debating changing the cover so if you want to make one for me i would love to see what you come up with. If you like the cover i have just comment keep the cover or something. I love all of your beautiful faces! Peace out girl scout!


P.S. i did change my username so don't be scared by that

P.P.S. i was just rereading some of this and i just read my AN and wow i sound like bitch, i'm so sorry. haha

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