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Ok heyyyyyyy guys! So I finally got a computer for Christmas(super duper excited) and I've been able to do some extreme editing on this story. So I don't have to type angrily on my little tiny phone screen anymore. Yess so I haven't updated because of that. So neww and better, exciting and longer chapters coming sooon. Just need you guys to wait a little longer.




~teenheroes360(yess above is a picture of me)

Ok I also have a sneek peak of a story I have been working on this past week to. I don't have a title for it yet but if someone can come up with one I would greatly appreciated that. *it still needs editing tho*


I never considered myself extra extraordinary, being I was quite an ordinary teen. I never thought my life would change. At least not so suddenly. I didn't believe bad things happened to truly good people, and believed karma was out to get you if you were a bad person that did bad things. But my philosophy couldn't have been so wrong. I didn't know one simple mistake, one huge event would change my life. Forever. Ignorance is truly bliss. Although some terrible mistakes become beautiful disasters, disasters become miracles. Everything happens of a reason.I walked home in the faint darkness. The bright yellowish street lights guiding me home, and the sun was setting, yet ending another day. Sunset was an astounding thing to me, it meant even in a time of darkness the sun will always finds strength to raise again. The sun finally set, and the full moon was out. But more astounding was the sun was the moon. The moon is shrouded with mysteries and a legend. I stared at the full moon it was spectacular.I remember when I was little my parents used to tell me that the moon had magical properties and I can wish for anything and it will eventually come true. Being the naïve child I was, I did wish on the moon. I wished what any little girl watching The Little Mermaid on repeats would, a prince. Now looking back I truly believed magic, in a world that couldn't be less magical. But something made me believe; maybe I needed to believe again. I looked at the moon miraculously, and took a deep lungful of air."I wish my life was more interesting and everything in my life will work out....for the best." I murmured at the moon, hopefully no one was watching.My phone vibrated, it was message from my mom.Mom: It's late, where are you?Me: I'm down the street. I will b there in 10 minutesMom: Ok, be careful. I love you!Me. I love too, mom I'll be fineI shoved my phone in front pocket of my jean shorts and I adjusted my backpack on my shoulders. I was walking a little faster eager to go home, eat dinner and relax from the day at school. A disturbing dark red truck passed by me unhurriedly, slowly. The man the car was African American like me, he looked no older than at least twenty one. But I couldn't make out details since the windows were tinted. I keep my head down and keep walking quickening the pace I was walking. My course shoulder length hair bouncing every time I walked, creating a feeling as if someone was touching it. Even though I never looked up from the cracked gray pavement, I felt his determined gaze on the back of my neck. I made my skin crawl, as if an army of ants suddenly erupted from the pavement cracks and was attacking me.He stopped the truck feet away from where I was standing. The tension in the air was thick. My heart pumped fast, my palms became increasingly clammy. I considered crossing the street or going to Mrs. Duchis house. But I decided to walk pass the truck, to show I wasn't afraid. At least that what the self defense teacher had said. But I was afraid, I was terrified in fact.I didn't want to be stupid, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing. This guy could be lost simply looking for his way home. Or a psycho kidnaper/killer, I thought. I dismissed my thoughts not wanting to panic myself. I was almost passing the truck."Excuse me Miss," the man in the truck called his voice deep and polite. "do you know where Huntsman drive is?"I turned slightly, giving him petite smile before answering. "It's at the end of this street, and then take a left. It should be there." I keep my eyes low never meeting his."Thank you so much. What's your name by the way?" he asked"Zia, and yours?" I asked, finally looking up realizing this dude wasn't psycho at all. At least I hoped. But my eyes were not ready for the precision they feel upon. He had dark green forest eyes with golden flecks for contrasting significantly with is coffee like skin color. His strong check bones and jaw were lightly adorned with stubble as if he hasn't shaved in a while. His hair was dark and cut, flawlessly."I'm Luke. You live around here?" he questioned. "Do you need a ride?" The last part he asked almost too eagerly. Luke, the name fit him. I should be concerned why he was so interested in where I lived but I couldn't get past that those stunning eyes and chiseled features. His eyes seemed to swirl between the colors green, gold and a misty blue. I didn't believe someone could actually get lost in someone's eyes but when I looked at Luke's I did.A smug smile appeared on his face, a smile as if he knew his facial appearance captivated my attention. I quickly looked down at the ground embarrassed that I've been caught."You never answered my question, Zia." The way he said my name sent mixed chills threw me. The chills were stimulating and a bit warningly dangerous.My voice was quiet and low. "No thank you I can walk from here." I turned to walk away."Wait!" he called"What?" I asked startled"I- I can't let you just walk off," he rushed his words together," I can't let you go. I'm probably going to regret this but-"He seemed to mumble the last part to himself. Luke rapidly got out his truck and with one swift movement he picked me up and tossed me into the backseat of his truck. I don't understand why I did even try to run. I could have got away. I screamed and shouted and called him every name in the book, while he struggled to tie what looked like a white bandana around my hands. I was kicking and waving my arms in every direction hoping to kick in his pretty little face in. But he dodged every one of my attempts with ease. "Just hold still! I'm not going to hurt you." he growled in frustration as he leaned over the front seat into the back."NEVER!" I screamed, was he delusional? What did he expect me to say: Sure, I'll hold still while you tie me u, kidnap me and Jesus only knows what else. He was crazy if he didn't think I was going to give him hell for this. "Let me go! Please let me go. I'm a good person. Please." I cried. His eyes softened a bit, I could see the regret. He finally tied my hands together and I kicked my legs out. My black high top Converse connected with his nose.I grabbed his nose then spitefully looked at me. While I continued to scream, I noticed his nose slowly dripping very small amounts of blood. He growled, an inhumanly growl. A sound an animal would make, I could almost swear his eyes dilated almost to the rimHe had a bitter gaze in his startling eyes, and then grabbed my arm forcefully. He leaned in close into my ear, I could feel his hot minty breath tingling against cheek."Don't test me. Not now...Not ever." he said in a menacingly low voice. Then let me go, falling onto the seat. I was quiet, at a loss for word. I sat there motionlessly shocked.Luke drove off. I was in shock. "You're never going to get away with this, you know." I whispered"Watch me get away with this." He responded. I can tell he was confident but I could tell he was a little unnerved. "Now be a good girl and please be quiet."

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