The Princess Hero (A Young Justice league story)

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I woke up I was so excited for my birthday today. Mom was going to take me too the mall in Gotham city. It was far from Bialya, but it was the only mall that made my boots and costume that I liked to wear when training with my powers.

Gotham city is a dangerous place for girl like me, princess of Bialya. But I also I never trusted what my power hungry mom had to say about other people or places or question what I was doing. Once she even tried to give me away to Black Manta many of times before when I was thirteen to train along side his son Aqualad. But he said my powers were to unpredictable for him. Soon after that his son became a hero and worked for the Justice League and Black Manta disowned him after pretty much. I nerver had the chance to see any of them in person

I slid out the bed and looked out the window beside my bed. I took a quick shower and I went to my closet and picked out my outfit for today. A white strapless dress with pink and red roses on the sides. I twirled around in the dress looking quite satisfied. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and applied make up. I unwrapped my scarf from my head reveling my short curly blakish brown hair. I didn't know what to do with it, so I combed it till it was a cute curly afro. I looked at my clock it was 8:00AM probably 10:00AM in Gothem city. They were two hours a head of us.

"Princesses Iyanna, are you almost ready, dear?" siad Sonya one of my favorite staff/nannys, she was like my second mother to me.

"Yes! Im ready." I opened the door similing big as I looked at Sonya

"You look beautiful dear, Happy Birthday!" Sonya gave me a huge hug. I went down stairs from my room on the third floor. All the servants siad happy birthday as I descended down stairs. My mom waited for me at the dining room table set with a huge breakfast.

"I hope you slept very well its your big day today. It will be a long eventful day for you. Happy birthday Iyanna, your finally nineteen." she smiled and got up to hug me. Her eyes were full of curiosity and distaste, which she only did when she had something truly wonderful or bad planing to happen. She ever only pretended to love me.

"I did mother, and I thank you for breakfast and the rest of this day my Queen." I felt a feeling in the pit of my stomach and a voice in the back of my mind telling me to...

"This day is going to be more eventful than you think." my mom said and started to eat breakfast

I smiled than ate breakfast with my mom. Yes she definitely had something planed.

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