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hope you like the chapter hope it wasn't too short.






We were so close to finding where Iyanna is. Black Mantra consistently sent videos to us with her just sitting in a almost completely empty white room with only a bed and a bathroom. He knew what he was doing, reminding how I have failed to keep one of my team mates safe from harm. She was more than mt team mate but my lover.

I watched as Robin typed away at the small white computer screen. He typed so fast that his hand were a blur. He typed something in and the screen displayed:

Access denied

He typed something else in and it said the same thing.

Robin groaned "I'm trying to track down where the videos came from were they were sent but-I don't know. I'm so close to hacking his system. Just a few more times and I can......." Robin typed more but with unsuccessful results. Then cursed under his breath.

"Don't be so frustrated every thing will work out for the better. Black Mantra has been defeated many times, this time can't be any different." I said sounded more like I was trying to reassure myself.

He let out a deep breath "Kaldur, but it IS different. He has Iyanna. I know I didn't really warm up to her at first but when I did she was like a sister to me. I miss her, the team misses her and we can't go any longer without her. I know your really taking this hard too, that's why I been at this for hours," Robin ran his hand threw his hair and took a sip of his drink. "Just let me finish I almost have it." He turned back too the screen.

Robin typed and grinned excitedly up at me.

Access accepted

He typed furiously and scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Looks like shes in Egypt" he said

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