Chapter 7. The Princess is Pregnant

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Days go by and Caspian was getting along with his father but as for Narika she wasn't feeling good the past days. She would remain in her room or sit in the garden alone trying to feel better until one day she found out the truth of what's causing her sickness. She found out she was pregnant. She was nervous to tell anyone so she knew it a secret from Caspian. "I can't tell Caspian or Jumin. I'm going to surprise them with the news. I just hope Caspian is in a good mood when I tell him" As she sat in the garden Caspian's father walks over to her. "Hello Narika and how are you today?" She smiles at him. "I'm doing well Trevino. I've just been feeling sick recently but it will pass. Its nothing to serious" Trevino nods. "Well I'm glad your doing alright Narika. By the way this is for you" He takes out a box from his pocket and hands it to her. "A gift from me" She takes the box and opens it.

 "A gift from me" She takes the box and opens it

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"Oh Trevino it's beautiful thank you" He smiles. "Your very welcome. Since your my daughter in law I'm going to spoil you" Narika laughs. "Alright then that's fine with me. By the way where's Caspian? I haven't seen him all day" Trevino folds his arms and thinks. "Now that you mention it I haven't seen him since I spoke to him this morning. Perhaps he went out after talking with him. I'm sure you'll find him Narika" Narika nods and goes to find Caspian. As she walks she finds him laying under a tree on the hill and she smiles. "There he is" She walks over to him and sits by him and lays him on her lap and he smiles opening his eyes. "Hello my beautiful wife. I knew you would find me" He touches her cheek and kisses her softly. "How's my princess today? I hope you have some good news for me. Because you know I hate bad news Narika" Narika thinks about telling him. "Caspian I have some very exciting news for you. And its a good thing your in a good mood" He sits up and holds her close and strokes her hair. "Well go ahead Narika tell me the news" Narika sighs and tells him with a smile. "Caspian we're going to have a baby" His eyes widen then stood up and spun her in the air. "That's wonderful my love. I get to be a father" He sets her down and kisses her deeply and tears of joy ran down his cheeks. "I can't believe it......I going to be a father. Oh Narika you just made me even more happy. I love you so much" She smiles and rests her head on his chest. "I knew you would be happy about that. That's why I wasn't feeling so good the last couple of days and wanted to be alone" Caspian keeps her close. "Well now we're going to have our own family my dear. I hope we have a little prince and he'll be like you" She smiles. "Caspian he would be just like you. Cute and handsome" Caspian smiles and held her close then picked her up bridal style. "From now on leave everything to me my darling. You stay in bed and I'll have Jumin look after you while I go buy everything we need for our baby" Narika nods. "Very well Caspian. Here's a list of everything we need" He nods and takes the list and set her in bed then kissed her softly and sent Jumin to assist her. He then leaves the castle and heads to town and looks for the items he needed. "Alright let's see.....A crib, Diapers, baby food.... man this will be tough. But me and Narika can handle this" He searches each store for the items. Meanwhile in one of the shops Narika's friend Fumiko was shopping when she saw the prince. "Oh Prince Caspian how nice to see you" Caspian looks at her confused. "Do I know you?" Fumiko smiles. "Sorry I'm Narika's friend from the forest. I looked after her when you told her the truth about you being a vampire. She told me a lot about you Prince Caspian" Caspian nods. "Well that's over with. Her and I are officially married and now we have a child on the way. So I'm getting everything she needs" Fumiko gasps. "A baby that's so wonderful Prince Caspian. Congratulations. I'm happy for her. Well I'll ler you be. When you see her tell her I said hello" Caspian nods and walks away from her and goes back to looking for items for Narika and the baby. Back at the castle Narika was laying in bed with Jumin beside the bed. "Shall I get you anything Lady Narika?" She thinks and nods. "Could you bring me my Blood Roses?" Jumin nods. "Of course my lady. I shall be back" He bows and leaves the room to her garden and she sighs. "A baby vampire of our own. Our own little prince. And if I'm correct a vampire baby comes more quicker then a human baby does. This sounds scary. Plus a vampire baby takes blood from inside you. I'm sure Caspian and I can figure this out together" Jumin returns with her roses and bows. "Your Blood Roses Lady Narika" She smiles and takes them. "Thank you Junim that will be all for now" Jumin nods and walks out as she plucks each petal of takes the blood from one while waiting for Caspian to return then she laid down and rested for a while. Caspian returns home with everything he needed for his new child to arrive and takes everything to the bedroom and finds his love resting and walks over to her then gently kisses her and she woke up. "Caspian you returned" He smiles. "Of course I did my love. I'd never leave you alone. I got everything for our baby. We have nothing to worry about. We'll get through it. I promise" Narika smiles and strokes his cheek. "Your so sweet Caspian" He held her hand. "Only for you my darling" He places a hand on her stomach gently. "Do you think our baby will be here soon? Since the baby will be part vampire it should be sometime soon. If so I'll be right by your side my princess" Narika smiles softly. "I don't deserve you" Caspian laughs and kisses her softly. "Everything will be alright Narika" The days go by and Narika was stuck on bedrest since the baby was arriving quicker then she thought. She sighs as she sat in bed and rubs her stomach. "Soon little one. Soon you'll come into the world. But will the baby be half vampire like me or all vampire like Caspian?" Just then Caspian's father walks in. "Hello Narika how are you feeling? I came to check on you" Narika smiles. "Hello Trevino and I'm feeling alright for now. It is nice to see you. I just hate having to be stuck in bed. Its no fun" Trevino nods and walks over to her. "I'm sure everything will be fine. You have me, Caspian and Jumin to help you. We'll all get through it with you" Narika nods. "Where is Caspian anyway?" Trevino thinks. "Last I saw him he was in the garden but after that haven't seen him since. But I'm sure he'll be back in time for the baby. Now you just rest Narika" He walks out of the room and she sighs then rested for a while. Hours go by and Caspian hasn't returned yet which made Narika worried. "Where could he be? I hope he hasn't lost control again. Especially at a time like this. Caspian please come home" As she sat in her bed the baby started to give her problems and pain. She called for Jumin and he takes her to the hospital because the baby was on the way right now. Narika wanted to wait till Caspian arrived but there was no sign of him so Narika had to have the baby alone. Meanwhile elsewhere Caspian was fighting against another vampire that was unknown to him. "This vampire is crazy. I won't let him near my love......" He then realizes that he forgot about the baby. "Narika!" He throws the other vampire away and transforms into a bat and quickly flies to the hospital as fast as he could. He arrives at the hospital and looks for Narika's room and finds her. "Narika....." Narika looks over at him and smiles softly. "Caspian I knew you would come. And your just in time. Meet your new son" Caspian looks down in her arms and sees his new son. He was speechless and happy. "Oh Narika......He's absolutely perfect. Just like you. What did you name him?" Narika smiles and looks down at the baby. "I was thinking the name......Silver" Caspian smiles and gently picks up his new son. "Prince Silver I like that. It suits him my love. Our own little prince. We will raise him well" He remained looking at Silver and held his little hand. "Silver my son.....I will always love you and protect you. No danger will come to you. I swear on my life" Baby Silver held his hand and tears ran down Caspian's cheek. "So precious. My love let's head home and raise our son" Narika nods as Caspian handed Silver to her and carries her out of the room bridal style and returns home.

Vampire Prince and his Human love. By KidaWhere stories live. Discover now