Chapter 4. Taking back her heart

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As the days go by Narika has gotten used to being half vampire and human but it wasn't easy when it came to trying blood since she hated it. She didn't want to turn out like Caspian. "This is hard being half and half. But I'm used to it. I just don't want to be like him" One day Caspian was walking through the forest when he caught a scent of blood. "That scent.....It's Narika's blood. Good now I have her scent. She should be easy to find by now. I won't let her get away again" He follows her scent and searches for her. Meanwhile Narika was standing under a tree and sighs. "I should probably find a new place to stay. Start a new life with just me and nobody else" Just as she was about to walk away from the tree a deep voice spoke. "So this is where I find you" Narika gasps. "Caspian!" She takes a step back. "What are you doing here? Why did you come after me?" Caspian laughs. "I followed your scent my dear. I want you back. And I'll do it myself. Your coming back with me Narika and your going to be a vampire" Narika just stood there. "I'll never go back with you. Your not the boss of me Caspian and you never will be" She walks away from him but he appears in front of her and grabs her arms. "You are going back with me Narika. Your supposed to be my wife" She kicks him away. "So that's why you bit me when we were dating. Well I'll never marry a monster!" The word monster struck his heart. "A monster.....Is that what you see me as?" He laughs wickedly then charged at her and pinned her down hard. "Then I'll be a monster and kill you Narika" He bites the other side of her neck hard and she screams and punches him away and holds her neck. "I don't know what I ever saw in you Caspian" He stands up and rubs his face. "Oh so feisty and firey. I love that. Its new for you" Narika hisses at him and he was surprised. "So your already a vampire I see. But not a very good one" Narika stood there. "Actually you so called prince I'm half vampire and human. I've learned to accept what I've become instead of being something like you. A liar, A full vampire, A jerk. I can go on all day Caspian. You never loved me you only loved my blood. You kept secrets from me. You kept me in your castle only for yourself. YOUR NO PRINCE AT ALL!" Caspian was struck by those words then ran at her and cut her with his sharp nails and she screams but fights back against him. As they fight Narika suddenly heard a voice. "Narika.....I need you" Narika stopped fighting and looks around. "That voice.....Caspian? Just like my dream. He's trying to call for me. No I won't fall for it" The voice spoke again. "Narika me" She then looks towards Caspian and thinks. "Is his good half.....calling for me?" They continue to fight each other and Narika gets a chance to look at the Blood Moon. "Something has to be done about the Blood Moon. Come on Narika think. Oh! No that will never happen again. I won't kiss him to free him from that. He'll just go right back under the influence of the Blood Moon" She kept hearing Caspian's voice in her head as she fought him. "Narika.....I'm sorry" She then stopped fighting and Caspian pins her hard to the ground. "Your dead now Narika. Any last words?" Those two words ran through her mind. "I'm sorry......." She then gently places her hand on his cheek. "Caspian I'm sorry to.....This will be my last chance with you. If this doesn't save you......I'm sorry" She then kisses him one final time and tears ran down her cheeks then she falls unconscious under him. Caspian has realized what he had done and tries to regain control of himself. He struggled hard to break free when he heard a shatter and looked up at the Blood Moon which had shattered completely and he was free. "I'm.....I'm free from that moon" He then looks down at Narika and gasps. "Narika!" He held her gently and pressed his forehead against hers. "Narika......please be alive" He picks her up and takes her back to the castle and Jumin takes care of her but Caspian stayed away from her still heartbroken and angry for what he done and how he treated Narika. "I truly am a monster. A monster that doesn't deserve love. I should just sleep for another year or five until I find someone right for me" He heads to his room but Jumin stops him. "My prince. She's calling for you" Caspian looked confused and walks into the room and sat by her bed and slowly placed his hand on hers. "Narika I'm here....." Narika slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him. "Caspian" She smiled a little. "Narika I'm so sorry for everything. I should've told you in the beginning the truth. I never meant to hurt you or lie to you that I'm a vampire" He starts to cry for the first time. "When we were dating I didn't just bite you to be my wife I did that to prove to everyone your my girlfriend. I didn't think it would change you. And to be honest I love this form of you better" He kept crying and apologizing to her. Narika tried to stop him and put her hand over his mouth and he looks at her confused with heavy tears falling. "Caspian I forgive you. Now shut up and kiss me already. I'm still yours" He gulps looking at her and stutters. "A....are you sure Narika? I'm a monster like you said" She pulled him onto her bed and over her and smiles softly. "Yes Caspian I'm sure. And If your a monster then your my monster and my vampire. I'll never leave you again" He smiles looking down at her. "And I'll never lie to you again or hurt you ever again. Next time theirs a Blood Moon please stop me from looking at the princess" She blushes and nods. "Of course Caspian my prince" He smiles and kisses her softly. "I love you Narika" She blushes with a smile. "I love you to Caspian"

Vampire Prince and his Human love. By KidaWhere stories live. Discover now