Chapter 1 Nightmare Announcement

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The president's face comes on the screen in the middle of the most suspenseful part I've ever seen of The Flash. He starts talking and I'm about to turn the TV off when I hear him say "Hunger Games". I'm a really big Hunger Games fan. I've read the books at least four times each and watched the movie six times. I start listening.

"Because of these reasons, we have decided to hold our own Hunger Games. It won't be as advanced as in Mrs. Collins' books, but we can substitute. There are fifty states but that is too many, to have a hundred packed in one arena. We will switch off states every five years. This year, the states are..."

Don't say California. Don't say it please don't.

"New Jersey, New York, Montana, Texas, Alaska, Maine, Louisiana, Idaho, Iowa, and California."


"Each state will have multiple raffles until there is one boy and one girl from each state. Twenty will be going into the arena and, just for this Games, two will come out.

"The number of raffles differs for each state but everyone will go into the "reaping bowl"."

My heart stops.

My phone vibrates.

Its my boyfriend, Levy Enoch.

Did you see it?

See what?

The Hunger Games thing?

Ya. What if I get picked? or someone I know?

If you get picked, I'll volunteer, he replies. No. I can't let him do that. I know he would die for me but I dont want him to.

Noooo please I wouldn't want you to die too.

I love you too much to live without you.

Aww ok I love you too.

:) just promise me you won't volunteer.

But what if it's Lydia?


I... no I can't. I don't know if I'd volunteer for her but I dont want to break my promise if I do.


Hey did you realize that we won't be in the reaping bowl ever again?

Oh ya. That's good. A relief.

Not like Katniss, every year. That would have been horrible.

And no tesserae.

Ya.... I'd die, you know that right? I would die in the Hunger Games and then he would feel guilty for not keeping me alive.

Over my dead body.

A tear slips out of my eye at this cheesy line that fills my heart with so much love.

I love you so much just don't volunteer if I'm picked. I type.

I promise I will volunteer if you are chosen.


Too late.

Ok. Our names are only in there, what, five times?


Odds are, neither of us will be picked.

Ya. So don't be sad.

Ok :)

I gtg but ttyl.

Ok bi I love you so much

I love you to the end.

I blush a little.

Throughout the day, the announcement is on the news, emails, texts, newspaper, everything. My parents got an official letter saying my sister, brother, and I were to report to someplace on reaping day, June 22.

My brother, Royal, is eighteen; I am sixteen; and my sister, Lydia, is thirteen.

Each night after the announcement, I can't sleep. I keep thinking about what will happen if I get picked. Both Levy and I will die.

When I do eventually fall asleep, my dreams are filled with dead bodies, people trying to kill me, not being able to get away, and so much more.

Why are they doing this to us? It can't be legal.

Or maybe there was never a law written to cover this.

Suzanne Collins is now on my list of people I hate the most.

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