"Chapter 21" (Alternate Ending Part 1)

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Levy is taken from me in the morning.

I am taken to my prep team. They look close to tears and I don't hate them because of that.

When Benjamin comes in, he immediately wraps me in a hug and says he's sorry and I appreciate the thought but he can do nothing to help me.

I get dressed in jeans, a blue shirt, and a light jacket.

Then I am given a knife.

To kill Levy.

Like I'm actually going to kill him.

Like I could.

They want a fight, an epic betrayal of love, a fight to the death between two perfect lovers.

All they're going to get is a broken victor.

Because Levy's death will break me.

Benjamin takes me to a room. He checks the clock on the wall, then tells me to step onto the launch plate.

Do they have a whole arena for the two of us? Do they expect us to be in there for a while?

"There are no explosives or anything." Benjamin tells me, possibly to assure me.

Nothing he could ever do would ever make me feel any better.

It surprises me when the plate starts to rise and it feels like my stomach is left down below with Benjamin.

I see Levy rising out of the hole in the floor also.

We are in an empty room that looks about ten feet by ten feet.

Levy has a knife as well.

What if he killed me? What if he betrayed me to save himself?

I'd rather feel his betrayal like a burning knife in my heart than lose him.

The second the plates stop moving, he steps off onto the floor. Nothing happens.

"It was worth a try," he says.

I drop the knife and run to him. I hug him as hard as I can.

"Don't kill yourself please don't I love you I love you don't please please." And then my words merge into one another until I'm just bumbling, begging him not to.

"I love you too, so much. I have to do this-"

"NO YOU CAN'T YOU WON'T I WON'T LET YOU!!!" I scream. I grab for the knife in his hand but he pulls it away from me.

I can save him.

I pull away from him and run to where I dropped my knife. I grab it and move it in the only direction I know will save him.

My heart.

He grabs my arm and rips the knife from my hand. He holds my head between his hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"Don't. Please, just don't." His eyes plead with me on the edge of tears.

"I love you."

"You have to live. You have to!" He says desperately.

"I love you," I say again, desperately trying to make him change his mind, trying to convince him to stop this.

"I love you too." He pulls me closer and I bury my face in his shoulder. "I love you so much."

"And I love you." My voice cracks on the "you" and I finally let the tears spill over.

"I have to go. The faster, the-" his voice cracks and I hold him tighter, keeping him from moving, keeping him from doing anything, anything.

But he prys my arms apart and through a haze of tears, I see him holding the knife.

"NO!!!!!" I scream. I fling myself at him but it's too late, I'm too late, too late.

I scream as loud as I can and pull the knife from his chest. I look him in the eyes, mine suddenly clear. He forms the words "I love you" with his lips but no sound comes out and I watch the life ebb from his eyes like a spilled glass of water.

"NO!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell, as if that could change it, as if that could take it back. "YOU PROMISED!!!!" I scream at the body that used to be my love, "YOU PROMISED!! YOU SAID YOU'D MARRY ME, YOU SAID WE WOULD GET MARRIED, YOU SAID!!!!!!!! YOU PROMISED!!!!!" I sob. My eyes lose their focus and tears pour out but I don't care I don't care I DON'T CARE!!!

"LEVY!!!!!!!" I scream, long and loud. "LEVY!!!!" My scream breaks into sobs and I just scream and scream and scream.

One of his hands lays on his chest near the wound and the other one is on the floor. I grab this one and hold it tightly to my chest, willing for my warmth to seep into him and bring him back.

"Come back." I get out. "COME BACK!!!!!!!!!" I scream again. "Come back I love you come back. Please," I plead. "Levy, come back I love you."

Nothing happens and I know nothing will. My heart has been torn to shreds and all I can do is cry, cry, cry. I wrap my arms around him and pull him to me. I smell his scent and know he is gone forever and ever and ever. I want him back I want him back come back come back.

His body is stiff and cold and unresponsive.

And dead.

He is dead.

I curl around him and scream. I scream until my lungs are empty and then I take a deep breath and scream again. Again and again and again until my voice is gone and still I squeak and cry and moan and hug his body because the pain in my chest is hurting and if I hug him, it might go away. It might go away.

I was going to marry him. I was going to have kids and we were going to live we were going to have a life. He's the only person I ever wanted to be with the only person I ever wanted to love me, hug me, kiss me, hold my hand.

His hand is cold and limp in mine and no matter how hard I squeeze it, he doesn't squeeze it back.


And they call this a game.

"DAMN YOU!!!!!!!" I find my voice. "DAMN YOU ALL!!!!" I yell at them, whoever had this damn idea I hate them I hate them.

I groan and hold Levy tight, willing whatever is left of my heart to go into him and make him come back because I am nothing without him. My past, present, and future all had him they all had him. He was part of everything I was and now I am nothing because he is gone and there is nothing that will ever change that ever ever ever ever.

The pain exploding in my chest is unbearable, more than anything I could have ever felt physically. My heart has literally been ripped out of my chest and now lays there, impaled by the knife.

And it hurts so, so much.

He's the only thing I ever wanted and now he's gone.

I have never ever cried while writing but while writing this, I am not ashamed to say that I did cry. If you read about me in my profile, you know that I count the best authors as ones who make me cry or feel strong emotion. Vote if you cried!!! Haha.

This was a pretty fun part to write.

Please comment and tell me what you think about this. Did you cry? How much?

Thanks so much!

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