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Minho laughed as he saw three watermelons in front of him. (It's two days later.) He told Chan he wanted three water melons and the freedom to walk around the mansion. Minho also asked that he be allowed to send the watermelons to someone. Watermelons, that wasn't suspicious to Chan or the others at all. It's fruit, what exactly could he actually do with that. Well one thing was for sure, they did not know what went on in Minho's mind. Everyone who lived in the house was busy doing there own thing. Minhyun, Chan's son was sitting on a stool in the kitchen coloring some pages. Yesterday, when Minho was exploring he ran into Minhyun and made up a story so he wouldn't scare the kid. Minho did ask about Doyoung in secret, but was told that Doyoung barley goes to work at the flower shop and that there was two knew employees to help out Mrs.Im.

(If this part doesn't make sense, sorry)

Minho didn't mind that Minhyun was with him, because he was busy coloring. Minho looked through the cabinets looking for baggies. He squealed when he found them. Minho took out three and placed them by the water melons on the table. Minho used the knife he already had and carved small rectangles piece from each side of the fruit, making sure there was enough space to sneak in the three letters he had in his pockets. To make sure they did not get wet or ripped he folded the papers as much as he could and placed each in different baggies. The bag were to big so he brought them to the stove and the knife. He Truened on the stove, which was gas, and placed the knife into the flames heating it up. Then used the knife to run it against the baggies and trace out the papers' size. It zipped them up drew to the plastic melting together. Minho turned off the stove then placed the knife in the sink.

Minho ran to the watermelons shoving the paper in different watermelons, then proceeded to stick the peices he cut out and place it back in it's place. Now all Minho needed to do was send the watermelons to someone, that was not his brothers, because he knew he would be caught, and wait until he heard something. Minhyun and Minho made eye contact and Minho raised an eyebrow at him. "You saw nothing right?"

Minhyun shrugged. "Even if I did, I won't end up remembering, hyung." Minho nodded and replied with a 'good.'

Not soon after Felix walked in with a big plastic crate and placed it by the watermelons. "Where exactly are you sending these huh?" Felix questioned.

"My mother, really loves watermelon, and I figured she is probably worried and needs a sign that I'm alive, you know." Another lie to help Minho out. Although he did want to speak with his mother and tell her he was alright, he couldn't. The watermelons were ment for Mark.

Felix just nodded understanding what he ment. "All you need to do is give me the address and I'll have one of the guys on my team send it."

Minho rested his elbows on the table and wiggled his eyebrows. "Ooh, I didn't know you had your own team. Maybe-"

"No." Felix answered, even though he didn't hear the rest of Minho's sentence. "You're suck with 3Racha." Minho let out a groan and grabbed the crate to put in fruit in it himself, so Felix wouldn't see the part he cut. When he was done he wrote the address he planned on sending them to on a napkin and gave it to the red head. Who was he sending it to, well his favorite person in Nct, well besides Doyoung of course, it was Yuta. For some reason that was the only address he had memorized. "Cool, also Chan said he needed help upstairs, so I would go."

Minho hummed as Felix and another guy picked up the crate of watermelons and left. Before Minho went to see what Chan wanted he cleaned up and told Minhyun that he would see him soon.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Minho knocked on the door waiting for a response and when he got one he went in. Chan was sitting in his desk and looking through his laptop. "What do you need?" Minho was sure he could be a robot with the tone of his voice.

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