♣Fourteen ♣

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How long has it been?

How long has it been since Minho was?

He doesn't know because everyday felt the same to him. Minho begged Chan to let him get a TV or at least a phone. Chan said no to the phone and yes to the tv. All Minho did was wake up, exercise in his room, shower, eat, watch TV, go to sleep, and do it all over again. Minho wanted to throw himself out off the balcony. In reality Minho has been in the mansion, kidnapped for almost two weeks. If his brother were supposedly in a gang, then why the hell did they not save him yet! It was probably not that easy though. They more Minho thought about it, the more he realized How Much He Hated Life Right Now. Of course he had a better life then most people who have been kkidnapped by Skz.

It was about 7:00 p.m and Minho was lying on the floor by his bed. The summer heat was just starting and it was freaking hot. You would think that someone in the mansion would turn on the AC, but no one did. Now thinking about it. Minho would usually hear voices coming from outside the room, but today was uncomfortably quiet. No Jisung yelling about his boyfriend. No Minjun laughing with a dog barking. It was just quiet. Minho sat up fairly quickly making him a bit dizzy. When Minho was back to normal he stood up and walked over to the door that lead to the balcony. He opened it looking outside. He had finally heard some voices. Minho looked down to see Kaito and Jaeyoon standing while holding some big guns Minho did not know the name to.

Minho thought 'Well maybe they didn't see me, so I can go back in the room and die once again.' Boy was he wrong because not even a second of thinking both guys were staring at him. Minho was going to fall on the floor when he decided that wasn't the best decision. So he took a breath before placing his elbows on the railing of the balcony, and rested his head in his hands. "What's up cute losers." Minho smiled at them both. Kaito squished his face in confusion while Jaeyoon gave a side ways smirk then shaking his head. "Aah, you. It's been a while. Last time I saw you, I was staring at your ass most of the time." Minho winked at Jaeyoon before giving him a finger heart. Was Minho trying to flirt with him? He didn't knows what actually happens in his mind most of the time. What he did know was this was the most socializing he was done, not including Felix, who brought him food and talked for a bit before leaving.

"That's nice Lee." Jaeyoon was stunned by Minho's words, because that was unexpected. "Do you need something?"

Minho thought about it. Until an idea finally into his head. "You will be my entertainment for the rest of the day."

Kaito sighed speaking under his breath. "Oh no."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Mark Lee Get Your Ass Over Here Young Man!" Mark hid himself behind the bathroom door, while his mother went around the safe house Taeyong had bought looking for him. He was fortunately alive along with his boyfriend, Haechan, and brother. Who were not badly shot and got away with minor injuries, but what was more scary than dying, was his mother yelling for one of her two sons, Mark or Taeyong, to come out from their hiding spots. So one of them could give her a clear answer as to why one of her sons, Minho, has gone m.i.a. For two weeks they have been making up excuses for Minho, as to why he had not been picking up his phone, showing up to class, and ignoring the whole world.

I mean he could just tell her the truth. Easier said than done. "Hey what's up Mom? So you know Taeyong and I are in a gang, and because of that unfortunately, our brother Minho, got kidnapped! Also we can't find him! Haha..."

Yeah no.

Mark felt his phone vibrate on his pockets. He took it out and saw that it was a text from Taeyong saying, 'I got a plan. Get out of the bathroom and help me out.' Mark took a deep breath before he faced death. Mark stood in the hallway waiting for a sign from Taeyong. A small closet door opened to show Taeyong tiptoeing out.

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