51 | Miwa Kageyama!?

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"DADDDD WHERE DID YOU PUT THE (F/C) DRESS I ALWAYS WEAR??" (Y/n) shouted, you see (y/n) underestimated how long her shower was going to take. In conclusion she has 1 hour to go to the grocery store; get food and cook it before she has to leave to Kageyama's house.

Simple right? Well if you are a clumsy shit head that gets flustered when she is pressured its a pretty big challenge 

"I left on your bed!" Levi shouted back 

Scrambling around the room, (y/n) basically threw out all of her clothes out the closet "WELL ITS NOT HERE I LOOKED EVERY-"

"OH MY GOD (Y/N) DONT JUST FUCKING LOOK WITH YOUR MOUTH LOOK WITH YOUR GOD DAMN EYES INSTEAD OF SHOUTING SHIT" (y/n) could hear her angry father basically shouting like he was going to kill someone ( a/n: ngl my mother says the same thing to me all the time ;-; )

"Jeez okay fine! I will just wear the white dress you gave me" As (y/n) hurried to wear the dress, she forgot to blow dry her hair

"Damn it..sheeesh I will just dry it later when I come back" zipping up your dress (y/n) grabbed her purse and ran downstairs to see her father glaring at a windex bottle

"are you having a argument with the bottle or.." (y/n) sarcastically mumbled to her grumpy father

"shut it- I just ran out of my year supply of windex.. I need you to get some more" (y/n) nodded as Levi ranted about how its not even a life time supply-

"- I mean seriously if its 'life-time' why the fuck did I run out? fuck maybe I should sue them.. should I sue the- WHAT THE FUCK (Y/N) YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME FIN-"

"LEVI-SAN YOU BETTER NOT BE SWEARING AGAIN" oh sweet old kimiko-san..

Kimiko-san is the lovely old neighbor that lived right next to (y/n)'s house, surprisingly she is the old person that can actually shut (y/n) grumpy father

"Sorry Kimiko-san.. " Levi grumpily mumbled as he sadly goes back into the house

"Please forgive him Kimiko-san! He is just grumpy that his apparently 'life-time' supply of windex just ran out and he just came back from a match" (y/n) bowed slightly at the sweet old lady

"oh don't apologize dear! now go run along; you seem to be in quite a hurry" Kimiko-san smiled sweetly as you waved goodbye 

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ Few Minutes Later ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Panting slightly you look up to see the convince store right in front of you 'ok only get what you need (y/n)' you thought to yourself as you prepare yourself mentally to go inside

Dusting off the imaginary dust off your dress, you take a deep breath and walk inside the store

'don't go to the snacks aisle don't go to the snacks aisle' being the clumsiest person on earth you didn't pay attention to your surroundings which caused you to bump into a poor civilian 

'-don't go to the sna- eeekkskkkk'  bumping in head first to this random person, your ankles gave out for some fucking reason and you fell onto the ground.

"oof-" rubbing your butt slightly, you hear someone calling out to you

"-hey! kid are you okay?!" the unknown lady called out to you

"god is that you? am I in hel- I mean heaven now?-" you reach your hand out like a weirdo to the presumed 'god'

"sorry to burst your bubble but this aint heaven." the unknown person said nonchalantly 

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