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Edited: 10/2/2020

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Edited: 10/2/2020

After the meeting with the volleyball teams advisor, Takeda, your coach brought you to the girls gym to say your farewells to your teammates. Even though you were only on the team for a week you were close to them and will really miss them when you transfer to the boys team. You and coach Aiyma went inside and saw the some of the girls practicing while some were stretching.

"Everyone listen up! We have some news we want to share with you all" coach Aiyma said loud enough so that everyone could hear. When she said that everyone stopped what they were doing and huddled up around you and the coach.

"We have some great news everyone, (l/n) will now be in the boys volleyball team." When she said that everyone had a confused look so the coach had to explain to them what Takeda said to you earlier. When she finished everyone look at you and started to hug and tell you that they will miss you. It was hard but at the end you hare happy and excited about what will happen in the future. Right after everyone said the farewells, Takeda came to take you and introduce you to the team you will now consider as comrades.

Right when you arrived Takeda told you to wait outside because he wanted to introduce you the coach and the manager before the team itself. After about a minute later Takeda came back with someone you knew too well, turns out your dads best friend from the neighborhood Association was also the coach of your team. Your eyes widened as well as his, after a few seconds you both scream your names, "Ukai?!" You said in unison with him.

"(Y/N)!" Said Ukai with the most confused face you have ever see him make."how the hell did they pick you mean just look at you" he said chuckling to himself, you rolled your eyes and spat back at him saying "as a matter of fact they come to me and said that I had the right strength to be in the team". He just smiled and said "well it is true that you have the strength but I don't really think you have the brains" you pouted and punched his arm.

During all of this Takeda look really confused on how you two knew each other, so you told him that coach Ukai is your fathers best friend and you knew him since you came to Miyagi and how he was like an uncle to you. And with that said Ukai called over the manager to meet you, right then you saw this beautiful blacked hair girl with glasses and you immediately got excited.

"Hello, I am the manager Kiyoko Shimizu and you are...?" she asked and waited for you to respond, it took you a moment because of how pretty she was and introduced yourself.

"oh s-sorry. My name is (y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you" you raise you hand and she gladly accepts. After getting to know the manager, Ukai interrupts and says we need to go inside to introduce you to the team.

When he said that you started to get a little nervous 'will they like me or will they think I am not strong enough to be in the team' you started to think but shaked it off and proceeded to the door to meet your team mates.

The door opened and immediately you saw that the ball was comes right for you heard "move out of the way!" but your body just got into position like it was second nature and passed it back to who ever it was. When you turned your eyes back to the person that threw the ball your widened and said "suga is that you?" He immediately looked at you and knew who it was and ran you and gave you a big bear hug.

"What are you doing here (y/n)-chan" he said with his iconic smile and you chuckled "you will soon find out soon~" you said while pointing at coach Ukai. After all of the commotion everyone started to huddle up and check out what was happening when all of a sudden you see a little bit of orange hair popped up and you knew who it was.

Shoyo jumped a little to check out what was happening, when he looked at you he was in  shock and said "(y/n)-chan what are you doing here?!" While tilting his head in confusion, immediately Coach Ukai started to cough a little to get everyone's attention.

"everyone listen up, you guys will be having a new teammate join the team" when he said that everyone started to question who it was, but all of a sudden Ukai began to talk again " lets just get to the point, I am pretty sure you guys are wondering who this is, well a matter in fact it is actually her " he said while pointing at you, you smiled and everyone said in unison "WHATTT???"

You weren't really expecting their reaction to be like this but you know how they feel, I mean if you were in their shoes you would feel the same. You giggled at their reaction but then you hear a very irritating voice

"Why is a girl even in the team, she will probably be a burden to the team anyways.." you shot your head at the direction of the sound and you see a blonde hair guys with glasses and not to mention he is pretty tall too. You glared at him and spat "I could probably take you down on a one on one match you little piece of-" you were cut off by Ukai giving you a look to make you stop.

"Well Tsukishima, (y/n) over here is one of the top 5 aces in the girls prefecture in middle school and most people say that she has beaten many men in volleyball" said Hinata to the guy named Tsukishima making it seem like it was his accomplishment and you immediately roll your eyes at his statement.

"I don't really believe that she could actually do that" you looked and saw a tall raven haired boy, he looked really cute but you changed your mind after his comment. "tch. y'know there is a saying "don't judge a book" which can really hinder when you are playing, you never know what you'll get..what's your name by the way?" you asked he said "Kageyama Tobio" he said with an annoyed look

'Well this is going to be interesting' you thought, "well kageyama if you are really that unsure, i would gladly challenge you on a match to kick your judgmental ass" you declared puffing up your chest in pride. "challenge accep-" he was immediately interrupted by Ukai

"That will not be necessary" you both just glared at each other and continue to listen. "Tomorrow we will have people come over and play a practice, this will be beneficial for the team  so that (y/n) over here can show you her skills"

"so who will we be playing?" Said a guy with shaved hair.

"well non other than Karasuno Neighbourhood Association" he looked at you and smirked.

You, Hinata and Sugawara all widen your eyes while Hinata gulped because all three of you know that a certain some will be playing against you tomorrow.

A/n: Here's chapter two of the story(^). Next chapter you will be playing against non other than your dad Levi \(////)\ and also you will show the team that you can kick ass!!! I can't wait to publish chapter three ٩( )و

Word count: 1303(Д)

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