0 | Introduction

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Edited: 10/2/2020

Guide lines on how to read and info about your character:

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
Height = 5'5
(H/c) = hair color
Eye color = Dark Gray
(H/l) = hair length
(F/m) = favorite movie
(F/f) = favorite food
(F/c) = favorite color
Nickname = baby bean
Position in volleyball = setter & wing spiker ( you will be a wing spiker in the story )

Your Family:
Father = Levi Ackerman
Mother = Izumi (L/n) [dead]


(Y/n) (L/n), a girl who is known in the volleyball world as 'The goddess of the upper court'. (this will be important later in the story)People say that when you set the ball or even spike it the force is so strong that it can break through any block. Even though you are in the girls volleyball team most people think you would definitely be in the boys team for how strong and witty you are, but outside volleyball you are just a normal girl with normal problems like school and family or so you thought. Out of the court you are easy to approach to but not really sweet let's say. When people rub you the wrong way they tend to be on your bad side, but if you were friends with her she was a kind and sassy.

When it comes to family you and your father Levi are very close, so close that from a far people would have mistaken you for friends. Levi, your father is half American and half Japanese because of your grandmother, Hina Suzuki, he knows both Japanese and English which is also vise versa to you too. When you were young you used to live in America of about 4 years but moved to be closer to your mom side of the family, at first you were struggling to learn Japanese but you learned it eventually. During that time you found your life long passion and that was volleyball.

Ever since then you poured your heart and soul to the sport, during those years you have shown that you were a prodigy at the sport and one of those factors was actually your dad, Levi, Turns out when he moved to japan he join the volleyball team at his middle school and continued to high school which was Karasuno High school. During his high school years he and his team go to nationals two times, which made him very popular. You and your father would always practice together, which made you stronger at the sport, but one of the reasons you were so good at the sport was your accuracy and your strength and that was the reason you could do two positions. To your dad you are the most precious thing he has ever had. You two would always call each other names and always bicker but at the end you two would always tire yourselves out and pass out on the couch.

When it comes to your mother , Izumi (l/n), it is a little different unlike your father you are the complete opposite of your mother. People will always tell you that you were just like your mother when she was your age, but you never believed it. You and your mother would always fight, ever since you were 7 years old you would fight about anything from your clothes to the time you slept, you two would never see eye to eye and your father would always try to stop your bickering. Until one day your mom fell very ill, turns out she had cancer and couldn't live long. Your parents had decided that they wouldn't tell you, because they don't want to put all the burden on your shoulders, so they kept it a secret. They would tell you that she just had a fever and would feel better soon, but oh how naïve you were.

When you were 13 years old your mother, Izumi was rushed to the hospital during school. You were informed about it and had to leave early, when you arrived all you could see was you mothers sleeping body and your father looking so depressed that you were scared. When you arrive your father told you what is going to happen and that they had your mother on life support and had to pull the plug on her, you were experiencing a whole wave of emotions, sad, angry, depressed, confusion, and scared. When your father saw your state he broke down even more. Before the doctors could pull the plug your Mother said something to you,   "I am sorry (Y/n)... I-i am sorry that I could see you like this but, no matter how lost you think you are always remember that I will always watch you and guide you no matter what happens. Take care of your father and remember that I will always love you my child" , and with that said they pulled the plug and that was the day you lost your mother.

After that day you weren't quite sure what you will do. The first two months after your mother's death was full of sadness and depression, both you and your father weren't in your right state but over time you felt much better and thank to your father and your best friend, Hinata Shoyo.


~Please note that there will be a lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes throughout the book! So please don't mind them, when I finish the book I will be rereading the book to correct every mistakes! So please don't mention any of the mistakes because I am aware of it and will be fixing everything when the book is completed

A/N: Thank you for reading my story!  (〃ω〃) This is my first time writing so hopefully you enjoyed it. Sorry for the long introduction, I only did that so that you wouldn't get confused when the actual story starts. The next chapter will probably be published in two to three days ( ・∇・)

Word count: 991 )^o^(

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