Chapter 5 (edited)

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Yashiro's PoV

I heard a slurping noise from my right. I turned to face where the noise was coming from, only to see Hanako-kun eating my udon noodles.

Authors note: He can eat! The Mokke can eat sweets + he apologised for not eating Yashiro's donuts

"Why'd you let me stay over for so long anyways? I thought you'd chase me out by now," Hanako dusted off his hat and asked, before placing it back on his head snuggly, heading towards the door. Watching his back move further from me, I stood up from my chair, leaving my empty bowl on the counter to catch up to him. "Because- you're my... friend," I hesitated on the last word, knowing that Hanako doesn't like me calling him a friend. I could see his posture slump down slightly as I said that. But what else am I supposed to address him as? Certainly not my boyfriend!

Hanako suddenly turned back, walking over towards me till his nose was under mine (still can't believe he's shorter than me). I blushed a dark shade of red, making him pull away from me slightly, so I could see his face clearly. His reddish-amber eyes glinting with mischief, his choppy, chocolate colored hair tinted with strands of dark brown and highlighted with hazel. His lips neared mine, and he pouted, making them even closer.

"Only friends?" he grinned.

At this point, I could feel his every, shivery breath against my skin, making me shudder. I've been this close to Hanako-kun before, but why does this suddenly feel... different?

Hanako's PoV

Okay, let's just get on the same page here and agree, Yashiro is really bad at picking up signals. Am I doing something wrong here?

Maybe her radar broke.

"Can't we be more..?" I said (well, I have to admit), seductively. If she's not gonna take my hints, I'm gonna have to spoon-feed it to her I've never been this amazing at flirting before; where was this skill?

"Ha-Hanako-kun," Yashiro mumbled through her soft, pink lips, separated by her sweet breath. I shook my head and chuckled, as if she had made a joke. I backed away. I poofed away, suddenly appearing behind her, taking a whiff of her lavender-scented cream-teal hair, and put my hand on her warm shoulder.

"Call me Amane,"

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