Chapter 6 (edited)

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Yashiro's POV

After I finished getting ready for school, I made my way with Hana- I mean- Amane-kun (gotta get used to that) trailing behind me. Oh no, I just realised how weird I must have looked talking to myself!

He kept rambling on about how much he loved udon. Although it was oh so annoying, it was kind of cute in a strange way, when someone like him talks about something they love. Do you think Amane-kun talks about me like that?

Yashiro, stop thinking these thoughts! I had a foul expression on my face as I berated myself in my head during the first period, earning, yet again strange looks from everyone. It didn't matter to me anymore though; I had gotten used to it a long time ago because of Amane-kun.

I thought about him some more, about all the cute flirting he does, all the jealous things he says. "I can treat you better than that guy." I blushed furiously at the thought of that even happening in the first place. I covered my red face up, thoughts rushing into my head like a bull seeing a red flag. I'm the bull, he's the red flag!

But seriously, there's no way in hell that Amane-kun doesn't like me. I mean- look at all the signs! The flirting, the hugs, ah... I really have fallen for him, have I?

It is strange though, how I could fall for a guy that isn't even my type. He is nowhere near charming, and certainly not like a prince! Maybe.. it's how he's always there for me when I need him. The more I thought about it, the more realisation struck me.

Gosh, why did love had to hit me so hard!?

I mumbled, "Oh... Hanako-kun..." under my breath so no one could hear.

He heard it though.

"Yesss, Yashiro?" he propped his head up on my shoulder, lips close to my cheek. Even though he didn't really emit any heat, for some reason he's still making my cheeks BURN. "Didn't I kindly request for you to call me 'Amane'? How disobedient."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Not the greatest time to show up, Amane-kun." I pulled out a piece of scrap paper, jotting down, "he's getting to the part that I'm confused about, please, PLEASE come back later?" He gave me a teasing grin after he read that.

I groaned silently. He's not leaving. I'm gonna be dumb forever!

"Yashiro-san, may you answer question 4, please?" my math teacher called my name. I immediately jolted up in a flash, frantically looking at my workings while snapping out of my daze. As soon as I saw the answer I was searching for, I shouted it out, "42, sensei!"

I held back the urge to bite my teeth, anxious that I would get it wrong and embarrass myself in front of the whole world!

Well, not really the whole world. I didn't really care what the class thought of my intellect. Either way, I look psychotic enough already, talking to myself in class. Instead, I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of my world.

I glanced back to Amane-kun's familiar teasing grin as time slowed down, his amber gaze enthralling me.

"Yashiro-san, are you listening? You got it right, good job, but sit down!" great. Now even my teacher thinks I'm crazy.

It was all made worth it when Amane-kun whispered into my ear with a hazy voice, "good job, Yashiro."

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