Chapter 1

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So the time came to my eleventh birthday, eight years since my parents were killed by the blonde man. Mrs. Carthage is an okay lady as long as you do what she asks or if you're on the "good kid" list. I'm not, no surprise there. But I took scraps of paper from the garbage and molded them to a shape of a cake and stuck a pencil in the top of it.
"Happy Birthday Crys." Two younger girls chimed sitting in front of the cake, across from me. I blew on the pencil and knocked it over. The moment the pencil hit the floor an extensive sound ran through the house. Emma and Hayley looked frightened thinking it was from the pencil but I eased their troubles. Then we heard thuds that seemed to be heading to my room where the girls and I sat. I hid them in my closet. I pushed all of my clothes in front of the two girls. I then hopped into my bed and pretended to sleep. I put my head right next to my closet when I whispered soothing words to the closet. I then heard the thumpings getting louder and I knew it was Mrs Carthage and another set of footsteps following her. It was three in the morning why would someone want to see me of all people and why now. My door Creaks open and I hear Mrs. Carthage's rough voice in an attempt to whisper, "Crystal, dear someone's here to see you. Are you awake?" I Pull myself up from the springy bed and walk to the door. As I walk I pull my Hair out of the ponytail finger my hair into a braid. The man who was with Mrs. Carthage was a man was wearing all black; he had relatively long greasy black hair and his eyes looked as if they were beetles sitting on his pupils. He strode in and said his name was, "Professor Severus Snape," "Mrs. Marie Carthage may you leave us. I would like to ask Crystal some questions alone." Mrs. Carthage left us but not before giving me an eye saying, If-you-tell-him-anything-wrong-you-will-pay-for-it-later-look. She left and closed the door behind her. The man sat himself on my bed.
Okay guys this was one of my writing prompt for my English class. It was a free write. Expect more of these because this year I am super proud of them.

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