Chapter 3

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Professor Snape’s POV:

    As I was explaining all of this The girl Crystal sat and listened intently. I was a tad surprised when she made the demand that the two girls who were in her closet had to come with her. I understood why they had to come with her. That Lady who runs the orphanage is absolutely horrid. I cannot imagine living here for so much of my life. Well it wouldn’t be too far off from my old home life. I strode out of the door with a scowl on my face and apparated away.

(At Hogwarts)

    I apparated to hogwarts and immediately started on my way to Albus’ office. He was there and he was alone.

    “Why did you make me go see that girl, Albus?” I asked my aspiration showing as I intended it to do.

    “I asked you to go see her because you are now the one she will go to with her questions about magic and the school. You get to be her guardian of sorts. After Macie and Jacob died you went down and wallowed at spinners.” Albus replied to me, in a calm grandfatherly way. He did all of this so I would stop moaping? I thought but then blocked it so Albus could not enter in.

    “I appreciate the thought headmaster but I am not wallowing as you so kindly put it. I as the students say, “A brooding bat on two legs” or just simply, “The Dungeon Bat”. I always look like this.” I said to him showing my complete irritation.

    “Severus, I am not saying you are depressed or anything but you went down after they died. Let’s consider this a pick-me-up. Now How did the visit go?”

    “It went as well as to be expected. She is a good mannered girl. She showed respect and was very kind to two younger girls. She had hidden them in her closet before we had arrived. Mrs Carthage is the real bat of the two of us. She treated the girls horrendously. Crystal had asked me a couple of times if I was from a ‘social services’ I told her no I was not but I dont even know what it is so. She said that she would come to hogwarts only if she could take the two girls she had in her room with her. I could clearly see that she was loyal to those younger girls.”

    “What are the two girls names. I can go to the ministry and look in the book.”

    “The two younger girls names were Emma and Hayley.”

    “I will ask to see the book tomorrow. If they are there then yes Crystal may take them here to hogwarts with her. Thank you Severus.”

    “Good night headmaster. I just have a question more, is Crystal the one of the second Prophecy?”

'    “Only time will tell severus, time will tell.” And after he said that he dismissed me and I exited the room and headed to my chambers in the dungeons.

Crystal’s POV (at the Orphanage)

    “Move you miserable Maggots! Got lots of work for ya’ll today!” Mrs. Carthage screeched at all of us. The younger girls still shaking off their tired bodies. I have to be alert and ready for the day. When I woke up after my late night with Mr. Snape I saw two letters on my desk. One was the one that he handed me last night and the other was a newer one that must have come in the night. I put them into one of my drawers and ran out of my door to wake all of the girls up to get them ready. Then, with the other girls, I helped make the breakfast. It was once more mush but this time we had time to warm it up. I got to help serve the food with Maggie, a thirteen year old whose been at this orphanage for about two years now. We served all of the girls and then we helped serve the older ones. This is an all girls orphanage. I kept a smile on my face all through breakfast thinking of leaving here for seven years. Then I would only have one more year left here then I could leave and never come back.I then would take Emma and Hayley and I would become their Legal guardian. Then I would take them to England and we would live far away from our small town in the southern united states.

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