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Fortunately, the first memory Denki had of his family was rather light-hearted and happy. He remembers being 4 and staring into his sister's big doe eyes as she smiled widely, "Let's become heroes together!"

He also recalled how she dimmed at how their parents shot her down, "You're not supposed to be heroes, Denshi."

Denshi frowned, "I'll break the cycle with Denks, just you watch! Isn't that right, Denki?"

Denki didn't know how to reply.


Denki was 5 when he was taught how to wield a knife. His mother smiled down at him encouragingly as he gripped the knife tightly. 

"Now, Denki, be careful," His mother warned, "If you get cut, you're the one that has to clean it."

"I dunno how t'clean it," Denki frowned, flexing his chubby little fingers as he adjusted his grip on the knife.

His mother poked him in the forehead, "You can learn. That can be our second lesson."

"Wha's our fir't?" Denki asked.

His mother took his fingers off the knife and then put them back on in a different way, "That's how you hold it, Denki. Now hold it tighter."

Denki did as he was asked, brightening up when his mother praised him, "Okay!"

His mother moved the knife a specific way, "If you do it fast, that's good. Too slow and that's bad."

Denki was confused, "Why?"

His mother's eyes crinkled in amusement, "Because the knife won't do anything. You need to be able to defend yourself, Denki."


"You need to be able to protect yourself, Denki," His mother said, moving his knife in a different way this time, "This is called a side slash."

"Okay," Denki followed along.

"Now try it yourself."

"Okay, mom," Denki drew a line with the knife in the air.

"Adjust your arms, Denki," His mother positioned his arms, "Make sure you're equally balanced."

Denki smiled, "Okay!" He swiped the knife in the air again.

His mother clapped happily, "Good job, Denki!! That was really good! With more practice you'll get better!"

Denki brightened up, glowing with the praise, "Yay!"

His mother chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Already a prodigy, Denki."


He was 6 when he saw his first death, but it wasn't that major.

"Denki, why are you letting the bunny suffer?" He heard his dad ask.

"He fell into a hole, Dad!" Denki replied, "I can't get him out!"

"Put dirt on him, Denki," His father said, "He can climb out using that."

Denki felt a wave of suspicion crash over him for no reason, "Um, but wouldn't that dirty him, Dad?" Denki crouched in front of the hole and looked down at the terrified rabbit, "He's so clean and I don't want to get him dirty."

His father sighed, "Denki, we'll give him a bath after."

"But what if he doesn't like us?"


"Okay, Dad!" Denki huffed as he got out his tiny shovel that he normally used at the beach. He began putting dirt on the rabbit, "Dad, why is it not trying to climb out yet?"

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