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Class 1-A’s Point Of View — Amber


Denki Kaminari was weird, Class 1-A accepted that. Kaminari was a bunch of puzzle pieces that don’t make sense, that just don’t connect. No matter how you rearrange them, no matter how you shove them together, they never make sense. 

That’s why Class 1-A was confused. At first it started off with Ashido. Ashido was Kaminari’s best friend, or one of them. Kaminari somehow got along with everyone in Class 1-A. It was pure witchcraft, seeing as she didn’t like everyone, and she’s a social butterfly.

It was okay not to like everyone, but at times, it seems like Kaminari never understood that. It seemed like Kaminari thought he was forced to like everyone, which was ironic, because if anything, people would be forced to like him.

Mina didn’t mean it in a bad way, of course not. But Kaminari seemed to gullible . He was like a puppy everyone wanted to protect, especially in his Whey-mode. His emotions were on his sleeve, they always were.

Of course, why would tonight be any different?

It was about 12 o’clock when she found Kaminari in the common room. There was a thunderstorm outside and lightning was coming down frequently. The rain was pouring yet it couldn’t be heard from the soundless dorm. Mina saw Kaminari sitting on the couch, shivering slightly. Kaminari’s normally perfect styled hair was fuzzy in a way that Mina had only seen when he overloaded. His eyes were frazzled and unfocused, his breathing uneven. 

It seemed as Kaminari was having a panic attack.

As soon as Mina took a step, she felt Kaminari’s eyes zoom and focus solely on her. It was a weird gaze. A gaze that made her feel hunted, like a weak child or a rabbit next to a fox. But obviously, Kaminari couldn’t hurt her, right? Nonetheless, it made Mina tread extremely carefully. Yes, she was Kaminari’s best friend, but she knew practically next to nothing about him. Kaminari never hung out after school or came to their study sessions (something Bakugou never stopped assaulting him about). She didn’t even know about Kaminari’s family or what he did before UA. Mina knew he went to Kunugigaoka, but she didn’t know which class. After the Moon blew up, the class rosters were never revealed for the students’ safety.

Mina walked to the kitchen tentatively, measuring each step and trying to make them at least a bit quieter. But the steps sounded like booms in the silence of the dorm. Kaminari’s eyes seemed to follow wherever she went, like a creepy halloween painting.

Mina felt a twitch of her lips, did she really just compare her best friend to one of those horrible halloween paintings?

Kaminari spoke, startling her out of her thoughts, “Couldn’t sleep, Ashido?”

Mina had always insisted to Kaminari that he could call her by her first name, but for some reason Kaminari refuses, it’s boggled her for ages. It’s obvious that Kaminari’s from a strict hosehold. He eats as if it’s his last, he’s hesitant to open the fridge or ask questions, but he’s seemingly carefree with everything else. He has manners, but doesn’t make them so apparent that it’s overbearing, all in all, Kaminari was ridiculously balanced. Now thinking about it, Mina got suspicious. Nonetheless, she smiled sweetly and nodded, “Yeah, basically. USJ was scary, you know?”

Kaminari’s amber eyes warmed with understanding, “Yeah… It was tough.”

Mina knows that everyone avoids talking about USJ, but what did Kaminari even do? They had all told their respective stories, but Kaminari’s just came up… blank. “What are you doing awake, Denks?”

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