Chapter 7

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"Jyuudaime!! I heard you were hurt! Who dare touch Jyuudaime!" Gokudera entered the house with a gasp with Yamamoto running behind him.

Hibari had told them about the situation when the 2 met him. Gokudera had immediately ran to hie dear jyuudaime house with a high speed. Yamamoto following behind him with corcern and worry.

"Hayato-kun? Takeshi-kun? You should calm down guys. I am fine" consoled tsuna wanting to hug his guardians but unable to because of his sprain leg.

"Tsuna. Your leg!" Takeshi said taking in the bandage leg and slightly swollen cheek. Someone soon is going to die!

"Its fine. It just a sprain "he tried to comfort them but failing miserably.

"What happened jyuudaime?" Hayato asked worried and now angry. Ofcourse he know what happened. Reborn had called them and had said that it was more like their classmates. He wanted to hear from his boss who was more like  a little brother who need all the protection that he can get.

Tsuna wanted to lie to calm down his guardian but knew better than to lie. He can't lie to his guardian. His family who matter more than anything in this world to him.

"H-hina, osamu, hisashi, I-iseey and other two guys. I don't know their name. They cornered me and told to be away from you guys" honestly said tsuna looking embarrassed and feeling really vulnerable.

He just couldn't understand why he was feeling so hurt for God sake! He fought with Xanxus, byakuran, Enma, vendice, etc but he had never felt this!

He had been scared in these battles but his fear was always became pale at the thought of someone even touching his friends and getting away with it. He had felt angry, protective and possessive even but he had never felt this.

"And?" Takeshi urged tsuna to tell them what happen after that.

Tsuna looked down on the floor embarrassed. " They told me to stay away from you guys and said that i-i am wor-worthless" tsuna was surprised when his eyes started moisturizing. Why was he crying! He know that he is very important to his friends and that he worth more than anything in this universe to his friends than why?

The members in the room froze. They didn't know the last bit of information. They could feel their blood boiling in their veins.

How dare those low life cause such pain to their sky! They are literally going to tear them apart.

Takeshi quickly moved to the chair beside tsuna and hugged the small powerful sky. Their sky who was feeling so goddamn hurt and pain. Tsuna who no longer was able to contain his tear finally started crying. The other were in relief that nana and the kids were not in the house. Gokudera hugged tsuna from behind drawing circles on his back.
Takeshi let his blue flames washed over tsuna who noticeably went pliant in takeshi arms.

His crying subsiding, he pulled back leaning on hayato who had pretty much pulled tsuna into his lap. Tsuna rested his head on gokudera strong chest, his arms wrapped around him. Legs dangling and moving a bit to get comfortable.

This was actually normal, reborn had said. The arcobaleno themselves get touchy and like to hold the guardian when they are distressed. It's an instinct and no matter how much a guardian hates touching other people, he will never deny his guardians and sky to be hold or being touched.

"I-i am sorry. I don't know why i cried" tsuna apologized and tightened his grip on hayato when he felt his storm guardian trying to move him.

"Don't go" said tsuna not wanting to be away from his guardians.

"I am not going anywhere jyuudaime. I need to put you in bed and I will be there with you" reassured hayato and tsuna nodded his head.

Hayato sat up from the chair with tsuna in his arms and after doing some sign language to tell the other 3 that he will stay up and you guys can do the planning. Takeshi nodded and gave a kiss on tsuna forehead who flushed.

Takeshi grinned and nodded at hayato.
Hayato moved upstairs and layed down tsuna and layed beside him. Tsuna quickly latched himself onto hayato arms and fall asleep. Hayato played with tsuna hairs and felt his eyes dropping. He quickly too fall asleep .

While downstairs,planning of possible murder was going on.

I can't help it!!! It's almost like my second nature is bl and even if I try to, no matter what the story became more shounen ai!!! So I guess you guys have to deal with overprotective family and emotional but strong tsuna!!
Hope you like it! Plz vote and comment!

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