Chapter 6

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Dino messaged reborn to quickly come home. Romario opened the door and dino stepped out of the car and walked inside his little ototo house. Tsuna woke up when felt moving and looked around to realized he was still in dino arms.

"Dino-nii?" Tsuna asked sleepily . Dino looked down to find his cute little brother yawning cutely and asking him.

"Don't move tsuna. You are hurt" dino reminded him gently and tsuna nodded. Moving a bit, tsuna rested his head on dino shoulder.

The door opened and reborn come out. He lowered his fedora when he saw his former student carrying his imjurted student. He is fuckling goimh to kill them! Reborn seethed in anger.

He took deeo breathes to calm down and lead dino with tsuna in his arms to tsuna room. Nana was out of the house with the other children.

Dino gently payes tsuna down on the bed. Reborn sat beside tsuna, his hand paying around his waist to give reassurance. Reborn had only ever touched tsuna with care and love, the others who he had touched was to kill them.

"The first aid kit is in the bathroom" reborn says to dino who nodded his head and went down to collect the first aid kit.

"You always get into so kuch trouble" reborn said shaking his head in exasperation.

"Its not even my fault this time" tsuna argued," they asked me to stay away from my guardians and kyoko-chan".

Reborn raised his eyebrow at the information. Everthing suddenly clicked in his mind. Now he can understand exactly why tsuna classmates were bullying him. Because they were jeolous of him and doesn't want tsuna to be more than a stupid clumsy boy. Reborn wanted to kill those brats.

It was the best decision to bring tsuna class in italy. They will see the real power of sawada tsunayoshi and the vongola. Also, they will realize they were nothing more than ants in tsuna way.

"Reborn?" Tsuna felt killer vibes coming from reborn. Dino also had an angry expression who had entered the room with the first aid kit and had listened to tsuna talk.

He had never known that the kids can be such a bully. It was fascinating to see just how much difference there is between the bully and tsuna. "I am going to bandage your ankle"

Tsuna nodded at dino who sit on the floor and gently hold his ankle. Tsuna flinched in pain a bit but stayed still until the bandage was done.

Reborn gently rubbed ointment on his face and back.

"I am home" mom voice came and in seconds 3 kids were bursting in his room with ice cream on their hands.

Their happy face suddenly go grim at seeing swollen cheek of tsuna and the bandaged leg. Dino sitting on the floor finishing the bandaging and reborn who was putting away the stuff.

Tsuna looked At the 3 with a small warm smile but frown when he saw their grim expression.

"Guys?" Tsuna asked .

"Tsuna nii! How did you get so much hurt" fuuta asked shocked running to him and inspecting his leg beside dino.

"Its alright. It was just a small acci-" tsuna was cut off by reborn " Some boys and the girl bullied him" tsunabjaw dropped.

"Reborn! You shouldn't have said that!" Tsuna said. He didn't want his adorable sibling to worry about such small matter but it was no small matter for the 3 kids. Someone had tried to hurt tsuna! They had tried to hurt their tsuna nii who fights only for his family! Their blood boiled. Even though the three had now very little connection with mafia but they still had mafia blood running in their veins. And right now they want nothing more than to kill those bastards who dare lay hands on their big brother!

They three turned their gaze towards reborn who shook his head and the three reluctantly nodded their head. Reborn had not given them the permission to kill them. They now only had to wait for the day of field trip.

A growl came from tsuna stomach and he blushed crimson. The tension in the rooms started fading away.

"Let me carry you tsuna. Your ankle is still bandaged" Tsuna nodded blushing but raised his arms for Dino to pick him up.

Dino easily picked up tsuna who laid his head on his crook. The 3 kids and reborn following behind.

Dino gently set tsuna on the chair and nana immediately started setting plates on the table. She saw the injuries on tsuna and clenched her fist. She decided to not say anything as she know that reborn will take care of her dear tsu-kun.

They talked for sometime while eating. Lambo sharing some candies with tsuna who now eating the candies and chocolates dino had brought from italy.

"Dino will help you in homework tsuna. I dont want any mistakes in the homework. Alright?" Tsuna rapidly nodded his head at reborn obvious threat.

They decided to sit in the living room with tsuna doing homework and asking asking questions whenever he doesn't understand anything.

Tsuna let out a content sigh. He rubbed his eyes and his eyes started dropping soon falling asleep.

Reborn quietly picked up tsuna and set him on the bed. The kids climbing on the bed and snuggling with tsuna.

Dino and reborn let out a smile and called for the meeting. 

They are going to make dame sure that those who hurts tsuna so badly will never be able to sleep alone again.

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