Do men just generate manpain backstories in their head when they're bored?

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Mentioned this before but its on my mind now- it really is SO funny that the homophobia in man enoughs writing really ONLY comes out of james' insecurity

Like if you ignore the fact that misogyny coats every word in this fic for a second and focus solely on the homophobia, jessie and meowth didnt even say anything mean about james being gay. Like stereotyping isnt great but the exchange itself is literally just jessie saying she likes dominant men (which, while out of nowhere and worded in the most cringy, het way possible, is a neutral statement) and that james isnt her type followed by a pun on how she thinks james is gay and meowth going 'yeah that wouldnt be a surprise now that i think about it'

Like the description says james went off the handle because he was called a 'weak, submissive homosexual' or some bollocks but jimmy was the one who made that up from hole cloth MEMEKFKDKKC jessie 1: didnt actually say anything to him he fucking spied on them and 2: (judging by her non-reaction to him liking her later on) was in a limbo state of not knowing or caring about his sexuality but leaning gay. And then meowth seemingly either hadnt given it a single thought or was actively thinking of james as straight. Then NOBODY makes a comment on what james potentially being gay means for how they view him. Its just a kinda dumbly founded but harmless assumption

Jimmy NOBODY asked

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