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This might be my last chapter for this story!! But this is season end... (And the picture is a hint, I guess. Hehehe....) Anyway, lets just go through with this.

Time skip: 2 years later (just something, Jafar right now is 24 and Sinbad is 28)

Jafar woke up to the cries of a baby. He groaned as he sat up and turned to the snoring limp next to him. Oh. Let's add naked to that. Jafar groaned again before getting up. The babies cries came from the other side of the room to where Jafar walked to. He came upon a crib and looked inside.

There laid a crying, 2 year old, purple haired, green eyed baby. Jafar smiled and picked up his son, Alia. "Shh. Shh. It's ok." Jafar shh'd the infant. The baby immediately stopped crying when he heard the sounds of his mother's voice. He reached up to touch Jafar's face.

Jafar laughed and poked Alia's nose, to which, Alia giggled. "Mama." He giggled out. Jafar laughed and hugged his son closer to him. "Dada?" Alia asked.

"Daddy's still sleeping. And you need to sleep too, Alia." Jafar told the infant. Alia pouted and shook in Jafar's hold. Tears streamed down his face.

"O! O splep!" (No! No sleep!) He cried. Jafar shh'd his son again and rocked him in arms. Then Jafar walked back over to the huge bed in the room. He sat down on it and poked Alia's nose again when he stopped crying. Alia giggled. "Dada!" He cried.

Suddenly arms wrapped around Jafar's shoulders, pulling him to their chest. Jafar chuckled as he looked up at his husband. "How long have you been up?" He asked. Sin laughed and pat his sons head.

"Just a few minutes to hear what great of a mother you are." He said. Jafar huffed and looked back at Alia. Alia's eyes were starting to droop, and slowly after some more rocking, he was asleep. Jafar stood up and put Alia back in his crib. He stood there and watched his son sleep peacefully. He smiled. Then Sin broke the silence. "Something wrong?" He asked. Jafar chuckled and put a hand over the small bump on his stomach. "Is it the baby?!" Sinbad asked. Jafar walked back to the bed and laid down.

"I'm just tired, that's all." Jafar answered. Sinbad smiled and placed his hand over Jafar's bump. "Do you think it's a girl or boy?" Jafar asked. Sinbad shrugged.

"If it's a boy, he's more likely to be like me. If it's a girl, she's more likely to be like you. So I hope a girl." Jafar chuckled.

"Another you would be a nightmare." Sinbad laughed and pressed a kiss against Jafar's lips.

"But you fell in love with this nightmare." Jafar laughed but nodded.

"True. True. But anyway, it's still way too early to be up. Get some sleep." Sinbad nodded and rolled over. Jafar pulled the covers over his body and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Time skip: 2 years

"Alia Sin Sindria!" Jafar yelled. Alia stopped laughing and running around his room and turned to look at his mom. The now 4-year-old looked down at the toys scattered on the floor and gulped. He was dead now. Suddenly the bedroom door opened and a little 2-year-old, silver haired, orange eyed girl walked inside.

"Mommy!" She cried. Jafar turned around and picked up his daughter, Lai.

"Lai, go find daddy, mommy's busy." Jafar told the girl. She huffed and started to cry. Jafar sighed and set her down. "Alia, you better clean up your mess while I'm gone." Jafar told his son. Alia nodded and Jafar grabbed his daughters hand and walked out of the room.

When he came to his daughters room, he saw Sin looking around frantically. Jafar sighed. He then picked up Lai and walked over to Sin, unnoticed. He leaned to whisper in his ear. "You look nervous." He whispered. Sin jumped up and faced Jafar. Jafar laughed. Lai laughed with him.

Although It's A Miracle: SinjaWhere stories live. Discover now