Season 3: chapter 2

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Hopefully this chapter is longer than the first. I'm just gonna jump into it.

They arrived at Reim in about a week, and Sinbad was happy to be with ground again. It seemed like the others were the same way, as Masur seemed more comfortable on the ground now. Sinbad looked up from where he was standing. They were on the docks, and surprisingly, no one paid any notice to them. Sinbad sighed before walking forward. They weren't here for the people anyway.

They walked passed market after market looking for Jafar, but there was no sign of him. Well, he was an assassin, so it would be hard to find him. Sinbad even thought of shouting out his name once, but decided not to. He remembered how that went down last time... Jafar was injured... BUT, someone did tell him where he was. Sinbad sighed. It was now or never. He took a deep breath and then shouted, "JAFAR! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

That was embarrassing... People were now watching him. He sighed once again. Of course... no one would tell him because no one probably knew who he even was. Sinbad wasn't well known in Reim, even though he's had trade with them for years now. He groaned. But, there was a sudden giggle. "Hehehe!" Sinbad turned around to see who was giggling and saw two figures run into an alley. He followed them, leaving Masur and Spartos in the market alone. He ran after them and followed the sounds of their footprints. Then he cornered the two children in the alleys.

He stood over them, intimidating them. They gulped. "Do you know Jafar?" He asked. None of them said a word. They just shook. Sinbad sighed. He didn't want to scare children. But he stayed where he was standing. They shook harder and hugged each other.

"We're sorry!" They screamed. Sinbad blinked. They were crying. He was shook now... He didn't want to make them cry. He sighed before standing up fully. Before he could say anything, there was a voice overhead. He looked up.

"You shouldn't apologize to someone who chased you and scared you just because you were being children." The person then twirled down to the ground and landed on two feet. Sinbad turned to face their backside. They had short, brown hair. When they turned around, it revealed a cute face of a boy. The two children ran to him.

"Crane!" They cried. Crane knelt down and hugged them. He held them their for a moment before looking back up at Sinbad. Sinbad crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry for scaring them. I got way too ahead of myself. I thought they knew who I was looking for." Crane stood up and the two children went behind his legs. He smiled as he patted their head.

"It's alright. They were being annoying, I get it. Anyway, you're in luck. I'm well known in this area, and I know everyone who enters and leaves it, Sinbad, the king of Sindria." Sinbad almost gasped. Crane knew who he was, although no one else knew who he was here. "Let's get your friends and head to my place." Crane then turned to the children. "Lily, Lola, go home and start making something to eat." The children nodded and ran off. Crane chuckled as they ran. "They're always like this." He muttered to himself before turning back to Sinbad. "Come on. Don't want to keep Masur and Spartos waiting." Sinbad nodded and followed Crane out of the alleys.

Time skip: At Cranes home

Crane's house was more-or-less a cozy house. When you walked in, you'd see the living room with the small kitchen next to it. Three beds laid in the corner of the room, which was probably the bedroom area. Sinbad, Masur and Spartos sat down on the couch while Crane sat down on a chair. Lily and Lola brought him some cookies that looked a little burnt but it didn't matter. Crane and Sinbad each took one and ate it. Once they were done settling in, Sinbad starting asking his questions.

"Have you heard of Jafar coming through here?" Crane thought for a moment before nodding. This relieved Sinbad.

"Kinda short, silver hair, cute-freckled face?" Crane asked. Sinbad nodded happily. So Jafar did come through here. "Yeah, he was with a guy with blonde hair in a long braid. He also had a green hat and mostly green clothes. Oh, and he had a staff. Jafar called him Yunan." Sinbad was now confused. Yunan? Why was he with Jafar?

"Do you know where they went?" Sinbad asked. Crane nodded slowly before turning to Lily and Lola, motioning for them to leave. They nodded and soon left, leaving the tray of cookies on the small table.

"Yup. They went to the dark continent. Yunan said that he had a small cabin there and Jafar and him would be staying there for a while. Jafar also mentioned that he needed to find something out there near Yunan's cabin." Sinbad felt his fists clenching. Why didn't Jafar just come home and then tell Sinbad about this!? Why would he just leave like this!?

Masur put a hand over Sinbad's shoulder, calming him down. "He must've had his reasons to not tell you. We should return home, and continue running our country until he comes home." Sinbad sighed. Masur was right, but he didn't want to do that. He wanted to go get Jafar and bring him home.

Crane stood up and stretched. "If that's all you have to ask, I'll be asking you to return home before someone really recognizes you." He warned. Sinbad huffed before standing up with his two generals.

"Thank you, Crane. I'm grateful to have met you. And have this." Sinbad handed Crane a bag of money that was much more than this house. Crane was shocked but thanked Sinbad before he left.

Time skip: Sindria

Once they arrived home, Sinbad was warn out. He wanted to feel Jafar hugging him and sleeping soundly next to him. But he couldn't have that until he returned. Sinbad groaned as he flopped onto his bed. Before he could fall asleep, his room lit up. Baal.

Sinbad sat up on his bed as the blue body of Baal formed in front of him. "What do you want?" Sinbad asked. Baal huffed.

"I'm here to tell you I'm sensing that something bad is going to happen in a few months. There's black magic coming from magnostadt. I suggest you keep an eye on them." Sinbad nodded.

"Yamuraiha is from magnostadt and Aladdin left a year ago to study there. Yam is keeping in check with him, so we'll keep an eye on it." Baal nodded and crossed his arms.

"...Do you know where my son is...?" He asked. Sinbad's eyes widened. He'd never seen Baal like this. He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh um... he's fine from what I know of... but he's with an old friend of mine and probably won't be coming home anytime soon... Sorry..." Baal nodded before making a face like he was trying to hold in his tears. "Ugh. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad!" Sinbad tried to make Baal feel better, but it wasn't working. Eventually Baal started to actually cry.

"I'm the one should be saying sorry. I'm a djinn, I shouldn't be crying in front of my master."

"No. No. No. It's fine! I think it's awesome to show your emotions! But umm... I've been curious about something."

"What is it?"

"How did you meet Jafar's mom? What led to ya know, her pregnancy?" Baal sighed but nodded.

"I guess I could tell you. But it's a long story." Sinbad scooted around on his bed into a comfortable position.

"Then let's get started. The nights still young." Baal smiled and nodded again. Then he started.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter. It was kinda not necessary except for the fact now you know where Jafar is and that next chapter is just going to be about Baal and Jasmine (Jafar's mom) backstory. Anyway, sorry this took so long to get out.

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