Season 2: Chapter one

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I feel that, Jafar. Ok season 2! This entire time I've been writing I've been listening to the song, "A thousand years," so I'm sad. I guess that's why season 1 ended with a sad ending... haha... sorry.


The smell of the ocean breeze made Sinbad feel more at home. He let the wind catch in his hair as he watched the sails slowly rise. It had been 2 years since Sinbad and Jafar drifted apart. Since then, Sinbad started to create his country. It wasn't ready for people to live in, but soon it would be. Right now, Sinbad, Yamuriaha and Masur were on there way to a not so known country. But that country was known to be pretty violent to people they didn't like. Sinbad had convinced them to at least give him a chance and allowed him into their borders. The country was called, Cyrenaica. Sinbad watched as they harbored onto the docks. It was a beautiful country, indeed, most of it lifted by limestone that has been tilted up from the Mediterranean Sea, as they called it. But it descended to sea level most times. Most of the people talked in Berber languages but it was mostly understandable to other people, as they tried to speak normal like the rest of the world. Right now, Cyrenaica was being ruled by the king, Ptolemy Apion, who took his fathers, Ptolemy VII, role as king when his father died. Most of the people there were dark skin but pretty beautiful. (Nothing against people with dark skin. I love you all! And I think anime needs more dark skinned characters)

The three walked around for a while until they found a hotel to stay at for the time being. Once they did, Sinbad flopped onto his bed. Yamraiha turned to him and chuckled. "You're still a child, even when you're 22." She joked. Sinbad hated being told about his age.

"Im still young!" He deflated. Yamraiha laughed and looked at her magic tool she used for talking to the others while they were away. She had another one before but that Jafar took it. Of course, she rendered Sinbad from talking to the assassin that she didn't like. Sinbad had pouted as he saw her looking at it. Then he started, "do you think... he'll still have it...?" He asked. Yam turned to him, surprised.

"Of course not, Sinbad. He didn't actually love you, you know. If he did, he'd done everything to be with you right now, and he'd tried to contact you-." Sinbad cut her off.

"Don't talk about him that way! The reason he didn't come with is because he listened to out conversation! He didn't want to hurt me, so he separated himself from me...! Can't you see that he felt the same way I do!?" Yam sighed and rolled over on her bed. Anytime she'd said what she thought was the truth, he'd burst out like this. Masur was on his bed, already asleep.

"Go to bed, Sin." Yam told him.

"Don't call me that. That name is for my best friend to say, not you." Sinbad told her back and huffed. He was certainly mad right now.

Time skip

Sinbad yawned as he walked out of the palace. He had gone to see king Ptolemy and discuss trade. Ptolemy was certainly a serous man, even though he was only 24. But they had come to an agreement that Cyrenaica would trade with Sindria and join the 7 Seas Alliance. In return, Sindria would help fend off any enemies and wars that threatened Cyrenaica. Things were going just right in Sinbad's case.

He looked around for a bar, and once he found one, he saw many beautiful woman tending the bar. He smiled at them and they smiled back. "Azul, mataànit?" One girl asked. Sinbad didn't understand what she was saying. The girl seemed to realize this and cleared her throat. "Hello, how are you?" She asked. Sinbad smiled.

"I'm fine, what about you?" The girls eyes lit up. She started to talk in Berber without thinking.

"Labas." She said, then noticed she spoke in a different language again. "I am great!" She said. Sinbad smiled again and sat down next to her.

"May I have some wine?" He asked. The girl nodded and motioned for someone to bring some drinks. When they came, Sinbad took a full swig of the wine. It tasted really good. Some other people walked inside the bar and sat down next to Sinbad and the girl. They started to tell stories to each other, which intrigued Sinbad. Of course, he couldn't understand them.

"Zlir in the sehrra." (I got lost in the desert) One of them explained. The others chuckled. Drinks were set down to them and they looked at the girl giving them out. "Tanmert, saha." (Thank you) One of them said, probably the one who was telling their story. The girl nodded.

"Mrehba." (You are welcome) Then she left. After she did, they went back to talking. Sinbad listened closely to their conversation, but still didn't understand anything. He took another big swig of his wine before it was completely empty. He sighed and stood up. He liked it here. Cyrenaica seemed like such a nice country that was prospering, and Sinbad liked that.

Slowly, Sinbad walked back to the hotel. Yamuriaha was waiting along with Masur. Yam stood up and gave Sinbad a look. "Yes, yes. They agreed to trade." He said, and her expression softened.

"Good." She stated. "I thought you'd been thrown out without us." She laughed. Sinbad chuckled along with her. Masur just stared at the both of them. He sighed and shook his head.

"Then we should leave this place and head home soon."

"What makes you so eager to get home? I mean, I can understand Yam's reasons because she wants to see Sharrkan. But why you, Masur?" Yam looked at Sinbad.

"I don't want to see him." She told him. Sinbad shrugged. That's when Masur spoke up again.

"I just want to sleep in my own bed." He stated. Sinbad laughed but didn't push further. Masur probably wanted to go back to Morgiana and train her, as they were both fanalis's but they weren't related. He slipped under his covers and felt sleepiness down over him. The light in the room soon went out as Yam and Masur went to bed as well.

They planned to leave the next morning after saying goodbye to Ptolemy.

Time skip

Sinbad waved goodbye to Ptolemy as his ships sails dropped down. They were going to leave Cyrenaica and go back to Sindria, which would take a month a least. Sinbad then saw the girl from the other night. She yelled, "Layàwn!" (Goodbye) Sinbad knew what that meant and yelled back.

"Goodbye!" He called out as his ship started to move away from the docks. Now he had to sit and wait to get back to Sindria.

Short chapter, I know. But I had to do a lot of research about Greeks and that stuff for this chapter. Cyrenaica is and actual place, but I think it's called something else right now, and Ptolemy was and actual person. Most of the language is Berber, which is a language but I think it's called something else right now. Anyway, just a historical lesson sort of for you today! Bye bye!

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