The Tour Ends

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I follow my boss to the exit of the long hallway, "okay," he turns to his left, "this is parts and service, here you'll meet some animatronics we made before the others you will meet but thought they were too scary for the children so we made the new ones you see today."

We enter the room and he flips on the light switch. There are four animatronics laying on the ground, two look disgusting. One of them is a chicken with what looks like six sets of mouths and the head is split in half so the mouths can be seen and a bib saying "Let's Eat" on it.

The other is what, I can assume is a bunny? It's kinda hard to tell since it's face is ripped off. I shiver in disgust, how could little kids like these things. Two other animatronics to my right don't look too bad. One is a brown bear with a black top hat and bowtie, the other is faintly ripped up. It is a reddish colored fox with a hook for a hand and an eye patch, must have been a pirate.

"You won't need to worry about these guys, they won't move. The reason they are in such bad condition is because we use some parts of them to work on the newest animatronics. I've thought about making another building though, and these guys will most likely be repaired and the new building's mascots. But, this restaurant is still generally new." He shrugs, "no harm in thinking about the future. Let's continue." He leaves the room.

I watch the four animals, even though they are robots which have no feeling, I kind of feel bad. My eyes hook onto the fox again. I walk up to him and kneel down, peering into the yellow eyes, I clear my throat and look at the door to see if anyone may come in, feeling weird to relate to a robot.

"Well Fox. I just wanted to stop by to tell you I feel bad for you and your friends as well. To be created and then destroyed because you didn't please your audience. Reminds me of myself." Instinctivly, my hand reaches out and touches the cheek of the fox, it surprises me that the fur is soft. I shake my head, of course it's soft you idiot, it's fur. I kneed my fingers into the fur, like my inner child is coming out.

A tear slowly falls from my eye and I wipe it quickly away. I growl at my invulnerability, damn it Jeff stop getting emotional about your past. I look down at the fox to see it starring at me, I jump and get up quickly. My eyes quickly scan the other four to see if they have moved, they haven't. I clear my throat and leave, turning off the light and closing the door.

"The fuck was that about," I mummble to myself as I walk away from the room to see my boss talking to a mother and child. He notices me and smirks, "back from your trip?"

"I guess I am." I walk over to him and smile at the little girl with her mother. She stares up at me with her mouth open. I kneel down and hold my hand out to her, "hi there, my name's Jeff what's yours?"

"Katie," she squeaks out and holds my hand. I chuckle, "it's nice to meet you Katie. Now I have to go, have fun." I rub her hair and stand up to see the mother starring at me in horror. I smile at her, I'm used to people being awestruck of my appearance.

"Let's continue," my boss heads down the hallway, "oh yes, the two rooms on the left are bathrooms and now we are entering the main room of Freddy Fazbear's. This is where all the partying goes on, to the right is the game area." We head over to the corner of the room next to a carousel with four different animals, a bear, bunny, fox and chicken. Little kids are running around a fat little boy holding balloons and handing then out.

He is giggling to the children, greeting them and telling them to have a good day. I frown at how realistic this kid is. The animatronic looks over at me and smiles. I faintly smile back then look over at the boss. He nods and goes forward past the tables and children, "and back here is the prize corner."

We stop and look at the large purple gift box and the children cranking it. Suddenly a large puppet rises from the box and hands gifts out to children around it. I stare at it, this place is so creepy. Somehow children like this thing? I smirk, then they will definitely like me.

"We didn't really think up a name for this fellow, so the children and staff call him the puppet. The other guy we saw is names Balloon Boy, for obvious reason. This next room is Kid's Cove. Here you'll meet an... Interesting animateonic.... Now a days we just call her Mangle, the take apart and put back together attraction."

Well that sounds promising. We walk into the room to see a bunch of toddlers ripping apart a moving animatronic fox. The fox is giggling and looking around at the little kids as she gets ripped apart.

"Wow. That's really messed up," I mutter.

The purple man scratches his head, "yeah... We tried to salvage her in the beginning but the staff gave up later on. Okay, onto a cheery note, let's go see the main attraction." We leave and go back into the large room and walk up to the stage. Three animatronics are singing and dancing on the stage.

They look just like the three that were dismantled but more plasticy and, girly. "These are the faces of Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken and finally, Freddy the Bear." He turns and smiles at me.

"Very cute." I say sarcastically.

"Well they are for little children, not grown men." He chuckles, "well good luck with your new job, make sure to lock up all the doors when we close and make sure the animatronics aren't glitching out or something. Cya Jeff." I watch him leave and begin heading to the office. As I walk past the parts and service room I look at the door.

I sigh faintly and begin hearing noises, something saying "dum dum dum," in a singy song voice. I frown and walk down the main hall to the office and sit in my chair. Its 9:50, ten minutes till closing. Sighing, I place my legs up on my desk and relax, waiting for the night to come.

"Excuse me," a small voice says to my right.

I look over to the voice and see a little girl, "oh hey Katie," I smile at her.

"Hi," she smiles and hands me a paper, "that's for you," she giggles and runs away.

I watch her run down the hall and look down at the paper she gave me. Its of three people, a little girl, a man with cuts on his mouth and a bear. I smile at the picture, above it says, "My favorite memory at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" in preprinted ink on the paper.

"Meeting me was her favorite part?" I smile.

An overhead voice on the intercom sounds, "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is now closed. Thank you and come again." I hear everyone leave after a few minutes, so I get up and lock all the doors and head back to my office. The lights turn off and everything is silent, kind of odd to hear after being here a few hours. I sit back and check the cameras, waiting for something to happen.

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