Taking Dibs Against Idiots

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A.N. Hello my children. It has been a while hasn't it? I'm super sorry but here it is! Latest chapter (and a new book cover, doesn't Jeff look smexy?)

"Jeff what's up brah!" Ben runs up to me and punches me in my arm.

I sigh quietly and look down at the elf boy, "what? I'm busy" I place my hand on his forehead and push him away as I walk past.

A growl sounds from behind me and Ben runs up to catch me, "well fuck you too. I was just going to ask about the ladies."

"Ben. This is from man to man, and you're my 'friend' I suppose you could say, they are way out of your league and you don't stand a chance." I tell him flatly.

He chuckles, "that's what you think. I have my way with the ladies..." He runs his hand through his hair sticking out from under his hat.

I laugh at him, "Ben, buddy. You have no idea how to pick up chicks. First thing you need is a beautiful face, like mine. Then you have to play with their emotions. I just let it roll from there."

"Wow Jeff you're such a wise person when it comes to women," Ben mumbles sarcastically.

"Who has more fan girls? Oh wait, me." I grab his hat and pull it down over his face and walk to the living room where the three girls are at.

"Hey!" Ben yells from behind me, "I probably have the same amount as you! I'm so much sexier than you!" His sentences slowly become mush as I ignore him by not giving a crap. "Hey ladies, hows the visit?"

Evana looks at me and smiles, "great! Everyone is pretty nice here. Besides looking freaking creepy, you guys are cool."

I ponder what she said in my mind, should I be offended by her calling me creepy or prideful? Hmmm. Screw it, lets go with prideful. "Yes, yes we are."

Evana grins and waves at Eyeless, who waves back a little. "My 'boss' told me to show you guys how to fight." I say to the girls.

Jane tilts her head, "why would we need to know how to fight?"

"Why wouldn't you?" My mouth smirks.

They stay silent and look at each other. "I take that as an okay. Who wants me to be their mentor?"

Eyeless Jack appears next to me quickly, "I want to mentor Jane!"

"Alright then...." I watch Jane's eyes as she moves them from my own to E.J.

Ben walks up behind me and shoves me out of the way, "I want that one." He points to Evana.

"Then I suppose I'm mentoring Nichole." My eyes shift to the other taller girl and she smiles shyly at me. Great, I get the silent one. Then again, she's probably just been awe struck by my beauty, I don't blame her.

I sigh quietly, "alright ladies, lets go. That includes you two." My eyes dart over to Eyeless and Ben. Eyeless just shrugs and follows me while Ben shoots imaginary daggers at me. My grin smiles wider at him as we head into the training room.

"Okay. This room hasn't been used in a while I don't think since we don't really train, we just go out and ki-. I mean, go out and teach others so we teach ourselves." I chuckle and Ben rolls his eyes. "Nice save bro."

I shrug it off and go inside the room in the basement and notice that the light is already on, and the room that should be coated in dust and other crap isn't dusty at all. "Whose in here?" My eyes dart around and I notice a tall pale man in a sweater, khakis and a green scarf cleaning in the corner of the room. "Oh Zalgo no..." The words mumble out of my mouth.

The tall figure turns abruptly and gazes at me from across the room, "Jeffrey!~" the creature squeaks and walks over to me. His hand goes to pat my head and stops, "oo.. That's right, you probably haven't showed in a year."

"Actually two," I say proudly.

"And that hoodie is disgusting! Look at all the dried blood and, Zalgo knows what else on there!"

I glance down at my hoodie, "I mean yeah I guess it could-"

"You guess? Ugh! That is disgusting!" Trenderman flings his scarf behind his shoulder and turns away. I run my hand through my hair and sigh. "Look Trender, thanks for the 'advice' but can you get out."

Trenderman gasps at me and leaves. Ben chuckles next to me, "nice going man."

"Whatever. Okay, are you girls ready? Because we are about to show you how to kill like a true master."

My mouth opens into a large, sharp, grin.

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