Never Trust a Clown

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Fine I'll write another chapter.... Geez guys.

~Ravana's P.O.V, left off from Demons are Assholes chapter~

I watch Jeff walk into the mansion from Slenderman'd room after I left him.

"Jane will recover and be, almost as good as new." Slenderman's voice echoes in my mind. I turn to him and chuckle, "I know. She won't die Slenderman, I will make sure of it."

"What is this bond you have with her?"

I blink and look down at my claws. "It is a long story."

"You are her protecter, correct?"

"Yes, I am her defender and I give her protection, for a price."

Slenderman tilts his head slightly, "a price?"

I turn my back to him, "you see. My species, I do not know. But I am aware that whatever I am, we feed off humans with certain capabilities. Jane is one of those humans. She is strong, bold and intelligent. All of these characteristics can make someone invincible and that's what I aim to do. Ever since she was a child I have been watching her actions so I made her my host. Our souls are connected and they will be until she or I die.

When she dies, it will hardly effect me, I will just have to go through the troubles of finding a new host; if I somehow die, then she will go through extensive pain and weakness. However, you see, when we are disconnected for too long, our bond will weaken both of us and kill us both."

"So you two have to stay together or you both will become deceased?"

"Correct," I drag a claw down the glass before me. "You may wonder why I chose her, it is because she is special, like I told you before. She makes me strong and through her I can create distruction rather than just leaving and killing someone myself. She is my weapon and therefore I must protect her."

"Why are you telling me this?"

I turn and look at Slenderman in the.., eyes. "One, to assure you that Jane won't die while I'm around, and also to tell you that there could  be a demon, or whatever I am, within Jeffrey."

~Jeff's P.O.V~

"You fucker!" I throw the Xbox controller down and slap Ben across the face.

"Ow!" Ben squeaks while laughing.

"You cheater! You were watching my screen!"

He chuckles and tries calming himself down, "no dude, you just suck really badly."

"No I don't. Jack!" I look over at Eyeless and he jumps in surprise, "didn't Ben cheat?"

He scratches his head, "I don't think so Jeff... You are 0 and 10..."

"See, told you, you suck at Halo Jeff." Ben snickers at me.

I sigh deeply and flip him off, "fuck-"

"You, Jeff. You're bad." Ben grins cockily at me. So badly I want to rip that snarky little grin off his face.

"Fine, I'll go hang out with L.J then."

Eyeless gets up, "what? No, that guy hates you Jeff."

"Better then you back stabbers," I mumble and leave the living room and head downstairs. I haven't spoken to L.J in a while, maybe he doesn't hate me anymore. Doubt it, he freaked out after I took some of his candy without permission. I roll my eyes and stop at his door which is painted in black and white stripes.

"Laughing Jaaacckkk," I sing and knock on his door. No sound comes from inside the room. My hand lifts and as I'm about to knock again the door opens. Laughing Jack looks down at me and rubs his eye with his free hand, not holding the door. "If you sing my name again Jeff... I'll probably have to kill you."

"Ouch, sorry sweets. How have you been anyway, I haven't spoken to you in ages."

He shrugs and fixes his feathered shoulder guards. "I've been decent, nice move by the way. Setting that girl on fire and then leaving," he grins down at me.

Zalgo, why is everyone being a douche to me today? I frown, "dude, don't ask me, I don't even know what happened."

"Oh so you're telling me your 'need' took over again."

"Exactly! See, we are like best friends. You know everything about me."

"Mhm..." Laughing Jack mumbles and leans against the door, "what do you want Jeff."

"Lets hang out!" I grin.

"Did you lose against Ben and Eyeless again."

I stare at him baffled, "pff, what? No. The fuck, no. Please. Where did you get that idea? Pfff. Yea right."

He smirks, "yep you lost. Fine, you and I can 'hang out', as long as you apologize to my friend."

"Your friend, is she a girl?"


"Ooooooh, is she hot. I got this if she is hot, if she isn't then no I'm not apologizing."

Laughing Jack sighs, "yeah, she's hot."

My eyes brighten, "let me in then!"

L.J moves to the side and opens his door all the way and I walk in. Sitting on the bed eating a piece of candy is a girl with a black dress, long black curled hair, and a mask with black lips and eyes. I stop in my tracks, Jack was right, she is hot. But I feel like I remember her from somewher-

The girl sees me and gets up quickly, dashing at me and lunging onto me, plunging a knife deep into my chest. My eyes widen as we both fall backward and hit the ground.

The girl lifts her mask and grins down at me with a horribly burnt face, "go to sleep Jeff."

My eyelids flutter shut and I feel a sharp pain jolt through my chest as the knife gets pulled out, yet pulling me deeper into the darkness.

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