Chapter 30

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Author's note: sorry for posting this so late today! Definitely not my best chapter either. I'm thinking about maybe taking some time away to figure out how I'm going to end this story and to write some better chapters. I'll keep you guys updated:)

"Morning champ," Alex smiles and leans over me. I decided to sleep on the couch last night since I felt bad having Servando carry me up the stairs. In case anyone forgot, I got tackled during last night's game and injured my ankle.

"Morning," I smile reaching up to squish Alex's cheeks. She chuckles and kisses me on the forehead. "Where are you going? It's 7:30am," I ask her. "I have to drop Servando off at the airport," she answers. "Already?" I frown. "Yeah I gotta get back to LA," he says palming my face. I laugh and swat his hand away.

"How's your ankle?" he asks pulling back my blanket. "Yikes. Not so good," I say looking at the swelling and bruising that's taken over my ankle. "Are you in any pain?" he asks with concern. "A little. It's more discomfort than anything," I wince. "Yeah I'm taking you to the doctors after I get back from the airport. I already called the school to let them know you'd be late," Alex says rejoining us in the living room. "Ugh I hate the doctors and why do I have to go to school?" I whine. "Because you've already skipped enough school and because you should be at the rally that they're having to celebrate you guys winning last night," she explains.

"Okay I guess you make a good point," I sigh. "Alright I'll be back. Make sure you're ready," Alex says. I nod and attempt to get up off of the couch. "Woah easy," Servando says helping me up. "Are you sure you have to leave?" I ask wrapping my arms around his torso. "Unfortunately, I do. I'll fly home again soon, I promise," he says returning my hug. "Okay," I sigh. He picks up his duffel bag and the two of them walk out of the house.

"Alone again. Let's give the stairs a try," I mumble. I carefully hop over to the stairs and look up them. "Hmm yeah nope," I say sitting down at the base of the stairs. I remain there until Alex comes walking in again 20 minutes later.

"Alright Soph come- I told you to be ready when I got back," she sighs seeing me still in my sweatpants. "Yeah the stairs were a no-go," I tell her. "Come on," she says helping me off of the floor. She bends down just enough for me to jump on her back. "Jesus Christ," she groans securing her arms underneath my legs. She carefully trudges up the stairs and lets me down onto my bed. "I know you're injured, but you've got five minutes to get ready," she asserts before leaving my room.

I opt for the easiest clothing and throw on some shorts and a t-shirt. "Okay I'm all set," I announce loudly. Alex reenters my room and once again, I jump onto her back. "God I really gotta do more lifting," she groans. "Shut up I don't even weigh that much," I laugh.


*Alex's POV*
"Yep so you definitely have a hairline fracture in your left ankle. You're gonna be in a boot and on crutches for six to eight weeks," the doctor informs us. "You gotta be kidding me," Sophia sighs in frustration. I reach out and rub her back supportively as the doctors leaves the room.

"Believe me, I know how frustrating this is, but at least you're season is over. You'll be out of the boot before you know it," I try to tell her. "I know," she sighs resting her head on my shoulder. The doctor comes back after a few minutes with a boot and a set of crutches. "Alright let's get these adjusted and then you'll be good to go," they say.


"This already sucks," Sophia whines while struggling to get into the car. I laugh and shake my head at her frustration. "Could be worse. You could have a complete break and be in a cast," I tell her. "Not helping," she says narrowing her eyes at me.

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