Chapter 16

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Author's note: hi everyone! This week has been super busy as I've been getting ready to start my new job. With that being said, I had limited time to write this week, so there will only be one chapter today. Chapter 17 will drop on Monday instead of today. Enjoy!


It's officially been a week since I moved to Orlando with Alex and Servando. To update you, the two of them made up after the fight they had. They also met with DCF two days ago to sign up for foster parent classes and to schedule a home inspection. We finally got my room set up so Servando doesn't have to keep sleeping on the couch. My shoulder is doing better, but it's still sore. I have to wear the sling for at least another week and then get reassessed. The driver that hit us is being charged with reckless driving and failure to stop at a designated stop sign. Finally, I have yet to call Maggie even though I told Luca that I would. I will...just not now.

I walk downstairs to find Alex in the kitchen finishing up a phone call. "I have two things to tell you," she says placing her phone on the counter. "Why are you so chipper this early in the morning?" I ask rubbing my eye with my free hand. "It's 9:30am. It's not that early," she says narrowing her eyes.

"First, the three of us have an appointment this afternoon at one of the local high schools. We need to get you enrolled so that way you don't have to repeat sophomore year," she says. "Can't I like get home schooled for the rest of this year and then enroll next year?" I groan. Alex crosses her arms and looks at me in disagreeance. "Home schooling isn't an option. You need to get integrated here and that starts with school. Not up for discussion," she answers. "Fine. What's the second thing you need to tell me?" I ask slightly annoyed at being shot down.

"Christmas is 10 days away. Servando and I usually fly out to LA for Christmas because that's where our families are. We want you to meet all of them but if it's too soon for you, we can stay here in Orlando," she tells me. "No. I want to meet them. When would we fly out?" I ask. "December 23rd," she smiles. "Cool," I respond snatching the strawberry out of her hand.


We pull up outside of Boone High School just after 12:30pm. I stare at the enormous school before me and then direct my attention towards Alex. "Do we really have to do this?" I ask feeling completely intimidated. "Absolutely. Come on," Alex says pushing me towards the front door.

We stand in the atrium looking around for any sign of the office, but can't seem to find it. "Do you guys need some help?" someone asks. I turn around to see a boy with the prettiest hazel eyes and nicest smile standing there. He's wearing a plaid shirt and khaki shorts with his brown hair tucked underneath a hat. If the boys here look like him then I have no problem going here.

"Yeah we're supposed to meet with the principle about getting this one enrolled," Servando says placing his hand on my head. The boy looks over at me and smirks. Let me tell you, I felt chills run down my spine. "Follow me," he says. 


"Principal Miller there's a family here to see you," the boy says knocking on the door frame. "Ah yes Mr. and Mrs. Carrasco come in. Tucker, why don't you show Sophia around while I talk with her parents," he says. 

'Tucker. Nice name.' 

I look at Tucker who motions for me to follow him.

"So you transferring from Lake Nona?" he asks. "No I'm actually not from here. Just moved here like a week ago," I tell him. "Where from?" he counters. "Massachusetts," I answer as we walk the halls. "Ah explains the accent," he chuckles. "I swear if you start doing a Boston accent then we're not friends anymore," I say shoving him lightly. "Oh so we're friends?" He smirks opening the door for me. I feel my face redden and look away. "I'd be honored to be your first friend here. Besides, if you stick with me we'll have some fun together," he says raising an eyebrow.

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