It's time to cast roles!

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+-Ruby's POV-+ 

I wore headphones while walking down the hall with them blasting the vocaloid song I Wanna Be A Princess in my ears. I walked into the cafeteria, seeing barely anyone has arrived yet. I sat at the Drama Club table. Waiting for them, I opened my lunch to see what Amber and Alex packed for me. I picked up an apple and looked at it. I stared at it, people starting to fill the cafeteria. I kept staring at the apple with memories pouring into my head. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. I took off my headphones to see everyone at the table was staring at me with concerned or shocked looks on their faces. I got up and threw away the apple before sitting down. "Ruby, why were you staring at your apple?" Teo asked with concern. I laughed it off, replying, "Don't worry about it, okay?" Teo sighed and nodded. We all talked through lunch. 

When it was time for the Drama Club, I walked down the hall to see something being thrown at my head by Willow. I rubbed my head and looked don to see what the object was. I froze. It was an apple. She must have seen my reaction in the cafeteria and decided that I should be hit in the head with an object that gives me bad memories. I closed my eyes and continued walking to the club room. I opened my eyes and went into the club doors. Everyone was already sitting down, probably because Auden told them to. I sat down and waited for instructions. 

"I already informed Jasmine of what we are doing today because we have Science together, but what we are doing is-" Auden tried to say but got cut off. "It's time to cast roles!" Jasmine shouted. I smiled nervously. This was a genderbend Cinderella so I would either be the prince, now princess, that is holding the ball, or a mouse that helps Cinderella, or in this instance, Cinder. Since we had limited people, the fairy god mother was the same gender as usual and would be played by the mouse. I know how much Jasmine would love being a mouse/fairy or a princess, so she could be either. I wouldn't mind being the mouse but honestly I have a softness for princesses. When I was little, about ten years younger making me six at the time, I had dreams of being a princess. Of course, it's weird because of the vocaloid song saying about the same thing, but oh well, it's a common dream. It turned out that Jasmine was the fairy god mother and mouse, I was going to be the princess like I hoped, Larson was going to be an evil step brother, along with William. To my surprise, Auden wasn't Cinder, he would be the evil step father. Although that made sense, I thought he would be the lead since he was the club leader. "You're the club leader, why didn't you make yourself be Cinder?" I asked. "Well, it makes more sense for Teo to be Cinder. He seems really kind and giving him contacts at the ball would make a more dramatic change." Teo tried not to let his happiness show, but his eyes visibly lit up and he was smiling really brightly. Everyone seemed happy with their roles, so Auden handed out the scripts. For the rest of the time we read the scripts, gave feedback, and asked questions. "Will our costumes be made by someone?" I asked the club leader. "Well, we don't have anyone particular in mind, plus we need to have costs in mind." I nodded before replying with another question, "Do you have more serious designs in mind or more fun designs?" Auden thought before answering, "Maybe a mix of the two." I smiled and reached my hand up to pat his head making him look a small bit uncomfortable. "Why did you pat my head?" I laughed and shrugged, "I don't know, but I know how to get the outfits you want for free." "Hm? How?" Auden asked me. I explained that Amber and Alex were pretty good at designing clothes and if something is a bit too difficult for them they can just message their college friend who is a really good designer. Auden agreed to having them design the clothing for the play and everything seems like it will go well. 

At the end of school I walked home and went straight to my siblings' room and talked to them about the outfits and they agreed to do it.

Okay, sorry to make un update this late into the chapter, but I took a break from writing and took a few days off. I just wanted to tell you guys in case you are wondering. I'm back though!

~_~Timeskip brought to you by Author-chan's Papyrus plush~_~

The next morning it was Friday, but the whole school had a day off due to the staff deciding to take a day to have a meeting. My siblings seemed to also be having a meeting on the clothing designs in their room, and my parents were doing their usual stuff like watching Netflix. I went into the kitchen and made a bagel in our toaster, contemplating if I should make Peach tea or Raspberry tea. I decided on Peach tea right as my bagel popped out of the toaster. I got my bagels ready then began to make my tea. Now that I think about it I should have done them at the same time so my bagel won't chill off while I make my tea. I sit down on my couch and play my YouTube playlist named, "Undertale themes to SPARE boredom" while eating. I just wanted to lay around being lazy for the rest of the day when I got a wonderful idea. This may be taking a few risks, but this is worth it. I just need to convince everyone...

|...|Cliffhanger brought to you by my Lefty plush|...|

Mwahahaha! Cliffhanger time >:3 I hope you enjoyed this new chapter, and in case you are wondering, Ruby isn't planning to rob a bank or anything. I know this won't get popular, but if you are reading this, thank you!


-Author-Chan (aka Izzy Chan Nyan Cat)

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