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The group of four stared at each other. The leader of this platoon of soldiers was utterly confused, but Rose and Chase knew what was going on.

"Well. . .I suppose you're right," Chase said, "You wouldn't happen to want to come with us willingly and hand over Brian's location?"

"Sorry, but I can't." Mare shook her head. "It would ruin my business, you see. She should know that, no?"

Rose nodded, that much she had said before. Still, she asked the girl, "How much would it cost to buy the info?"

"Not for sale." Mare shrugged, a dagger danced in her hand. "I just came to mock you two."

Her statement caused a tilt of the head for all present. There was a perpetual smile on the girl's lips and Rose felt as if it were directed at her. It did not sound like something the info broker would go out of her way to say.

The girl laughed then turned and waved behind her. "Well, good luck catching me then, okay?"

With that, she broke off in a run.

". . ."

". . ."

". . ."

Chase brought out his weapon and slashed. Water snapped into the air, but Mare hopped up, her body blurred, dodging the attack before landing upon the floor on four paws.

In a split second, the girl had turned into a shadow wolf, a creature whose fur was as dark as the night's sky. Her speed increased as she stomped against asphalt and continued her sprint.

The boy moved his feet but Rose tugged him back.


"You should go reinforce them. I can catch up faster, I'll chase her."

The leader agreed with her statement, "Please."

Chase grumbled slightly, it would leave a bad taste in his mouth if she took the entirety of the credit, but the boy soon shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, that sounds fair."

Rose nodded, feet stepping to go after the wolf.

She followed the creature as it ran between the slummers that littered the streets and soon pounded against the floor to enter an alleyway.

She knew the girl would exhaust her spirit in time, reducing to normal speed. Unlike Mare, however, Rose could use Mana Channeling even as she did not know why she had that ability. She was currently at 95% charge and there was still a mana orb attached to her hip. Mana channeled within her, pushing its way to her legs as her speed increased.

It was merely a matter of time before she would catch up.

Plus. . .

'She definitely wanted to separate me from him,' Rose thought, 'She wants me and her to speak privately.'

That was a speculation she held as she followed after the wolf to enter an alleyway. It stopped in front of a fence and smirked behind before leaping in one motion, clearing the structure. Rose furrowed her brow but her leg bent, doing the same thing in ease.

When she landed upon the floor, what stood before her was a smiling Mare back to natural form.

"See, I knew you would follow me." The girl tossed her dagger into the air and caught it again.

A stab whistled through and the thing vibrated. Rose quickly stabilized herself, a piece of her clothing ripping as she brought a scabbard up.

A spark connected between both weapons.

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