Fourteen vol.2

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The space within the Dungeon Association was vast but, soon, they reached the 'room' they needed thanks to the map on their pads. It was a rectangular, boxed, building. Yes. Building. Thanks to the sheer size of the association in which vehicles and a mass of people could have no problem traversing, 'rooms' within were essentially buildings.

'Dungeoneer Registration. . .' Rose read the floating sign upon the glass box and walked inside with her companions.

"Hello, are you three looking to register?" A voice greeted them immediately.

Rose looked forward to see a female of short, brunette, hair, and a mole beneath her lips. Wearing business attire—shirt and pants—she looked like the spitting image of a crass secretary, especially with the white tablet she carried in her left hand.

"An android!" Elsa exclaimed as soon as she saw the figure, eyes widening in delight. She hadn't done the same with the holograms so it was clearly due to one being mechanical in nature. The female in question merely reciprocated with a light smile.

Lilias coughed. "Yes. We wish to register."

"Then, please, follow me."

The three followed after her and Rose found herself looking around to gleam what seemed to be cabins next to the non-see-through glass walls. They were white in color and she spotted a few with people already in them. As they approached a counter, Rose looked at the walking figure of the android and turned to the person who knew more about the outside world than herself.

"Lilias, do you know the difference between a homunculus and an android?" She asked.

She had been curious about that since she met the android that had stood by the man named Thomas. Save for their bodily materials, what made such a thing different from a homunculus such as herself? She didn't know. Yet, of course, the person besides her did.

"An android, in simple terms, is a walking computer usually connected to a data bank, a system, or just other mechanical products. They also have no ability to etch spirits onto their bodies and cannot be affected by an armament's effect so their fighting potential is quite weak," Lilias quite readily explained, "With mechanical bodies, and a lack of a brain or neural network which makes their personalities near nonexistent without manipulation, they are mostly workers of data who cannot learn something on their own unless it is downloaded for them. Depending on their quality, they can rival a homunculus in price."

Supposedly, Lilias's home was not nearly as technologically advanced as Alos, yet it certainly wasn't a slum for she knew this much. Forever curious, Rose expanded her knowledge of the girl as she expanded her knowledge of the world around her.

The android before them turned her head as she stopped. "That is correct."

She walked around the circular counter and sat down upon a sit as three screens automatically blinked in front of her. She reached through the films and inserted her tablet into a slot on their side of the table.

"I am obligated to remind you three that, to register, you must be of at least the legal adult age of 16 and have an active identification number attached to Alos," The android spoke unhurriedly, "Now, if you understand all of this, would each of you tap your pads with the tablet I placed down?"

As they continued the procedures, Rose was pleased to find that though she was weeks old at most, her age was noted as 17 within her official ID. Clearly, it was the work of the deal she had made when she joined Brian Chaz's side of the slum war. A legal, working, identification number for Alos, marking her a citizen of the city.

"Alright." After working with the multiple screens, whose backs they couldn't see themselves, the android looked up at them. "Do any of you three possess a Gear?"

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