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A tail lashed out as the flames smacked into it. Lilias felt a scorching sensation, her body skidded back, but her extra limb did not quiver or shake.

An arrow came and a burning sword broke it apart. Rose moved her body, dodging several more as Fieth jumped back. The battle had started on both sides, Elsa lept at Reed and the man brought his left foot up to block her punch, his body quaked, he brought his sword down—she dodged and punched him in the face with her left fist. He almost flew back and she was quick to drag him closer to her as she delivered a kick to his stomach, knocking the air out of him.

A thin layer of mana covered him; her attacks pummeled his shield. The sword in his arm spun and he kicked.

"What the fuck--?"

She tried to dodge that only to look down as ropes of mana entangled her feet. Her body flew and landed against asphalt, slamming into the ground.

Three weapons scrapped each other. Rose found her blade stuck in between Lilias's crossed swords pulsing with mana.

"I thought I could trust you all," She said, her expression more somber than angered. It was a mistake. Her eyes shifted, Reed and Elsa were entangled in fighting and Nicholas seemed to be eying her specifically. Her core hummed, and she wondered at her stupidity as her weapon pushed farther.

Lilias jumped back and the tip of her left blade pointed forward.

"You're a product. An object to be sold. I don't see why I should hold your delusional wishes up for you."

There was a shudder and a vroom much louder than any she had ever heard. A blue ray pierced forward, vibrating its intense light, and Rose hurried to dodge but the speed was faster than any she had faced before.

Blood flew and the ray tore through her abdomen, advancing even farther back and breaking through shacks as voices filled her surroundings. Her body shook, quaking as she fell to her knees. Her lips opened, sputtering red onto the road.

"If this were the streets of Trea, there would be no hesitation." A crimson blade shook before her as Lilias looked her down. "Here, however, I need you alive. I need to enter Alos. Please, give up,"

"I see," Rose replied.

Smoke lept from her sword.

There was red upon her lips.

"I'll have no qualms killing you, then."

The girl's expression did not change, but Rose thought it was the first time she truly felt like killing someone. Lux had been a happenstance, and the lives—beast or human—she had taken till that point were merely obstacles in her way. This girl before her, who looked down on her with eyes that questioned her person, was one she wanted to kill.

It was a desire that burned her blade.

She took her sword and pointed forward as she shakingly stood, blood spilling from her side.

'Blow her away, <Igris>'


A red haze burned under the morning sky and an explosion separated the two. The streets of the slums blasted with fire and the two were flung to each end.

Blood sucked into her lips as she stood, mana rolling within her body. Yet, when she turned to look, her eyes widened at the sight of a tail coming down to reveal the healing face of Lilias.


"I'm Half-Dragonian," The girl said, her right sword slashed out. "We're born with mana orbs."

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