Forty-Five vol.2

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When Rose arrived within the white room, there was no barrier. In front of her, merely a few paces away, was another her, staring curiously back in return. She didn't dare to believe that the dungeon had somehow recreated her.

'It's most probably something akin to virtual reality,' She thought immediately, 'My real self likely doesn't exist in this space. And what's currently in front of me is merely digitized.'

Testing that theory, she tried feeling for her core, yet it was right there, within her dead heart. Unlike in the virtual space of the assessment test where she could still tell that her core existed in reality, this was different. She couldn't be certain this space was virtual.

"You're not real," The replica said, eyes scanning Rose. "This dungeon must have fashioned a virtual space for this trial. . .though I can't be certain of that."

Rose frowned.

"I see," She replied in return, "So the dungeon is looking at my thoughts and having you copy me?"

Her replica tilted her head.

"Don't tell me you believe you're the real me?"

Rose raised a brow. "And you think I'm the fake?"

"You can look into my thoughts, can't you?" The replica replied with narrowed eyes. "You were created in a lab. Fashioned out of a corpse into the replication of a human. You know this. And you're telling me that you can't even think of the possibility that you might be a fake as you stand before me?"

With those words, flames sparked into its hands and a sword was summoned and gripped.

"Do you see this?" It said, "This is a gear. A weapon that's birthed from the soul. If you truly think you're real, then summon one."

Though momentarily surprised, Rose smiled at those words, and summoned <Igris>.


The replica remained silent for a moment, looking at the sword in her hand and then the one held by Rose.

"How. . ." It muttered.

Rose recognized why it was stumped, and she too was puzzled as well as she stared at the weapon in each of their hands. She could feel both of them. Her connection with <Igris> was telling her that both swords were real, and that both swords belonged to her. She imagined that the replica was observing the same phenomenon directed at her.

"Let's think logically here," Rose said as she sat down. "If both weapons are real, then that means only one thing: they were divided into two. If that's the case, then wouldn't it be simple to say that we, Rose, were also divided into two?"

The replica sat down as well, nodding. "You read my mind. If you're speaking of our soul being divided into two, then I wouldn't be able to agree nor disagree. But if it's merely our consciousness, then that sounds likely."

Rose smiled. Now they were on the same page.

"Though, what does the dungeon want to test on this floor?" It asked her.

Rose shrugged, "I don't know."

It frowned.

"That's rather lax," It said, its frown deepening, "It'd be better if you start thinking. I'd like to leave this floor the sooner, the better."

Rose raised a brow. That was the first time they had deviated in thoughts and behavior. Though she agreed with its sentiment, she couldn't understand it.

"Why?" She asked.

It narrowed her eyes at her.

"Why? That's a silly question. Why wouldn't I? The faster I can climb this dungeon, the faster I can find the answer's about myself while in turn obtaining enough funds to enter Alos's Mage Academy," It replied, "Don't tell me you don't realize that simple fact? Are you fake, after all?"

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