Chapter 11

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The bell rang and it was the end of the day . Robert hasn't talked to me or Austin all day . He probably hates us now . He'll make up with Austin I know that . But Will he make up with me ? I fear that the most . My first best friend hates me now .

I walked to my locker and set my stuff in it . First time I've used it since I moved her .

I walked out to the parking lot and got in Roberts car . Austin got in a few minutes later . We drove home and Robert got out slamming his door .

" Has it talked to you at all today.?" Austin asked

" Nope . " I said getting out and slamming the door .

" Wanna come in ? " I asked

" I don't know if that's a good idea.." He said

" Just come on . " I said

We walked in and Robert said ;

" I gotta talk to you later Keaton . When he leaves . "

I nodded and we walked upstairs .

" Austin ! " Robert yelled

Austin looked down there and walked to Robert .

I walked up stairs and a few minutes later Austin walked in .

" What did Robert want ? " I asked

" He wanted to tell me not to get any ideas and to not touch you . " Austin laughed

" He's pissed at us .. " Austin said a few minutes later .

I sighed and we started watching a movie .

• 7 pm •

" My mom wants me home . " Austin said

" Okay.. " I said

We have watching movies this hole time . But more of talking . We were talking about what Austin did when I left . He said that he was really sad . He almost got diagnosed with depression when he was 10 because he missed me so much and he had no friends . Then he met Robert Alex and Zach and they have been friends since then .

He got up and walked out of my room . I followed him and he smiled at me .

" I'll see you tomorrow Austin . " I said

" See you tomorrow . " he said

I closed the door and Robert was looking at me .

" What ? " I said

" I don't want you to date him Keaton . " he said

" Why not ? " I asked

" Cause he is an asshole ! " he said standing up

" He's your best friend and your calling him an asshole . " I said

" He's my best friend but he is an asshole to girls . You don't know him like I do Keaton . You know the younger him . When he was a good boy . Now he is an asshole and treats girls like shit . "

" Than why hasn't he treated me like shit ? " I asked kinda loud

" Because you aren't dating ! " Robert yelled

" But you said he treats girls like shit. That doesn't mean there dating. " i said

" He treats all girls like shit ! Once he gets to know you more he'll say he likes you , he will get in your pants and then he will break up with you. He uses girls Keaton . "

" What about Trinity ? " I asked

" You know how many times he fucked her not talked to her for a couple days ? The only reason they were still together is cause she wouldn't leave him . " He said

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