Part 6: Revelations

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With a whoosh of red cloth, their crimson quarry disappeared without a trace.

Motionless bodies littered the area, their own weapons turned against them.

Only Graham and Julia were left standing, shocked at how easily the rest of their team had been knocked out.

The gas guns were a problem.

The two standing agents exchanged a look, and without another word, they started propping up their comrades.

Then, Julia called Chief.

"The entire force, Agents? She took them all out?"

"Yes, Chief." Graham said dejectedly. "Except for us. I don't know why."

Chief sighed, running a hand over her face. "Please tell me you have at least come up with an idea for replacement weapons?"

Graham nodded. Julia stared at him. "You have? You didn't tell me that."

Graham didn't respond to her. "Chief, what if we were to use something like tranquilizer darts?"

Julia stiffened as Chief contemplated this. "Like for an animal?" The bespectacled agent said, a hint of outrage creeping into her voice.

Chief looked thoughtful. "It might work, though we would need to be careful not to put too strong a dosage in. And train up our agents a bit."

"But, Chief-" Julia said nervously. "What is she was shot while using her grappling hook, or her glider? She would collapse and potentially be very injured, or even die."

Chief frowned. "Yes, good point, Agent. We need her alive. And I cannot be responsible for...." She trailed off with a little mutter before looking up, the haunted look fading quickly from her eyes.

Neither agent asked.

"If we were to use these...darts...might I suggest we add some sort of...slow-action feature? If Carm- Ms. Sandiego were shot in a dangerous situation, she would be smart enough to try to land once she saw what happened."

"Another good idea, but I will tell the other agents to avoid tranq-ing her in a dangerous situation, if possible. Every day I am glad you walked in on us when we were trying to recruit Devineaux, Argent."

She disconnected.

She turned on Graham. "Why would you suggest that? She isn't a loose animal to be darted and hauled in. Carmen's a person!"

Graham snorted. "I know that, but the gas is problematic and inexact. These darts will be much more effective."

Julia looked down, angry and worried.

Graham narrowed his eyes. "You don't want her to be caught, do you?"

Julia's eyes widened. "That's ridiculous." She said.

She didn't meet his eyes.

There Days Later

"Hah! Sorry, not sorry, big sis!" Zack laughed as he moved his yellow piece to swap with Ivy's green.

Ivy snickered. "Uh, bro, you just went backwards."

"Ahh!" Zack sighed, realizing his mistake.

"Must you say 'sorry' every time you switch with someone?" Shadowsan asked confusedly, tapping one of his blue pieces that was still at his Home.

"Nah, it's just sort of funny." Carmen answered, moving her red Sorry! piece across a few squares.

Shadowsan growled as he picked up a move one.

Choice: A Carmen Sandiego AUWhere stories live. Discover now