Part 2: Arrest

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Graham finished telling Chief and her agents everything he knew.

Meeting her at the Opera House, asking her out, being stood up by her. Then, months later, showing up to ask him for help, and realizing the play was some sort of cover. The entire adventure. Being wired money. Everything. Chief, Argent, Zari, and the other Agent all listened with interest.

Finally he finished. And he waited.

Chief spoke first. "So, you would have a good relationship with her?" Graham grinned a little, and blushed. "I think so."

Chief sighed, and cleared her throat. "It appears Carmen Sandiego used you to help break into a high-tech facility. We don't know why, but we believe you can help us. I believe its time I introduced myself. I'm Chief, I run...this."

She gestured around at the agents, pen, gas guns, and secret room.

"At least, this agency. The Agency to Classify and Monitor Evildoers, or ACME. I'm offering you a position here, because of your good terms with our thief here."

Zari pressed yet another button and his handcuffs fell from his wrists. He rubbed his hands, glaring. "Sorry about the cuffs, Graham. Necessary precaution." Chief smiled, and waved her hands at Agent Argent. Argent held out a small white card.

He took it warily- as soon as his fingerprint touched it, his face appeared on it, with some information.

"Offering?" Graham glanced down at the card. "Seems like you've already got me transferred." Chief answered once more. "ACME is strictly classified. Once we reveal it to you, you really have no choice. No one knows about us, not our friends, families, no one. Your position at the Opera House has been taken care of. Now, I'm your boss. Standard protocol.

"We need as many agents as we can get that can get to Sandiego. You are the best we can hope for. So?"

Graham stood up, his mind reeling. His memories rested on her face- the beautiful face, who could lie so easily to him, who had fought with such skill and intensity at the laboratory, who had a grappling hook and glider at her fingertips. The calm, unflickering face who had confidently told him, "absolutely."

"I'll do it."


Graham has been taken from the room to a cleaner, more modern looking facility. He had been given a pen, a gas-gun of his own, and his first assignment.

"Your first task and only priority here at ACME is taking Carmen Sandiego down." The hologram of Chief spoke, pacing the room, her figure coming from his new pen.

Agent Argent stood in the corner- he had learned that she was one of only a small handful of agents who had ever even gotten to speak to Carmen. Graham noticed that she grimaced slightly at Chief's words. Her eyes betrayed some sadness that she didn't allow to shine through anywhere else.

Graham stood tall. "I'm ready." Chief smiled. "As of now, your partner will be Agent Argent here." For the first time in quite a while, Argent spoke. "But, Chief! Agent Zari- Agent Devineaux-"

Chief waved her down. "Zari has been paired with Deveneaux for now, until we can find suitable arrangements for everyone. However, you two are on the best terms with Carmen as of now, and have the best chance of taking her down. I think its best that our superthief does not know of your allegiance just yet, which is why you haven't been given a suit, Agent." She spoke to Graham.

"Our Intel indicates that Carmen is currently in Mexico City, but I think its best you don't confront her there. Graham, Julia, you're to stay here in Sydney. Graham will invite Carmen here- just make up a reason, Graham, and don't interrupt- while Julia stands by, out of sight. Meanwhile, my agents will be blocking off the exits. It's foolproof."

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