Part 4: Hurt

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Shadowsan was firing off on her before Zack even touched the van's gas pedal.

"You were careless! You could have been knocked out, or hurt, or truly arrested! How many times have I told you that you are reckless, and unprepared? Graham is dangerous. I should have never let you go. We warned you, Carmen. We might not always be around to save you!"

The ninja's stony figure sat in the passenger seat. Carmen sat in the back seat, next to Ivy, hunched over. The superthief knew that her father-figure's harsh words came from a place of concern, but they were still painful.

As Shadowsan lectured on, Ivy leaned over and whispered to Carmen. "You alright?"

Carmen nodded mutely. Ivy didn't press her, not while Shadowsan was still hissing like an angry goose in the front seat.

The lecture was allowed to continue longer than normal, because Zack had to drive all around Sydney to make sure they weren't being followed.

The team finally got back to the hotel, Shadowsan glided back to his and Zack's shared room. He stopped only long enough to say "Don't think I'm finished with you yet" to Carmen and then shut the door, presumably to speak with Player about leaving for San Diego, as he usually did.

Ivy and Zack led Carmen to the couch.

"What a jerk, huh?" Zack said weakly, trying to make her feel better.

Carmen shook her head. "He's just worried. I'm sorry I did that to you guys. "

Zack patted her on the back. "Its alright, Carm. You're just distracted. Anyway, all's well that ends well, right?"

The thief nodded blandly. Ivy pulled her to her feet. "I know you probably just want to be alone right now, but can I take care of you first?"

She gestured at the large bruises blossoming on Carmen's face. "And it looked like Graham wrenched your arm back pretty hard when he...uh, when he cuffed ya."

The lady in red did, in fact, just want to be alone, but she sighed and nodded. Ivy gave her some ice to hold to her face and started checking her arm.

"Does it hurt when I do this?" She asked, moving her arm around in gentle circles.

Carmen winced a little. It did hurt, but she would be out here for longer if she said it did. Anyway, resting it would make it feel better. She shook her head.

"Look...thanks, you guys. I just need to rest for a little bit, okay?" She handed the ice back to Ivy and disappeared into her and Ivy's shared room.

Ivy sighed as the door closed.

The redhead sat back, biting her lip. "This is so...strange. She's only ever been caught a few times, and never by ACME...and never in an open space or anything."

Ivy looked a little frightened.

Zack nodded. "D'you feel like she' her game? What with trying to find her mom and learning about her dad and everything?"

Ivy nodded. "It didn't help that it was Graham that nabbed her either. She was so happy that she could have a fresh start with him..."

She growled. "If I ever get my hands on him!"

Carmen collapsed into her bed as soon as the door was closed. "Oh, shoot..." She hissed, running a hand over her face.

She had been so hopeful when she realized that Graham was getting a fresh start.

He no longer had the weight of VILE on him, keeping her from seeing him.

Well, that wasn't exactly right. Keeping her alive.

Choice: A Carmen Sandiego AUWhere stories live. Discover now