Chapter 27: Surprise

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Catra's P.O.V

"Glimmer!" I yelled out. Glimmer came walking to me with Melog and Bow beside her.

"Are you going to tell us where we're going?" Adora asked us. Glimmer and I looked at each other with smiles.

"Just wait till we get there miss impatient." I said to her.

She stuck her tongue out at me as we continued laughing and walking.

Bow already knew we were planning something. He wasn't completely sure of what but Glimmer and I told him to distract Adora for the day so we could get ready.

"We know where we're going this time right?" Adora asked. Glimmer laughed and nodded to her as I took her hand. Melog walked in between Adora and I as it rubbed against her leg.

Adora looked at me with a smirk as I rolled my eyes.

"Here we are now." I said out loud as I opened a leaf curtain that blocked the entrance.

Inside were the lights, the music, speakers, the tiles Glimmer and I had put down. Everything.

Adora stepped in and her mouth fell open. She had nothing to say and just let out a slight chuckle as she looked at me.

"What is this?" She asked through her smile. I motioned for her to wait one second and went to go change.

When I came back, I saw Glimmer and Bow talking to Adora as music faintly played.

"May I have this dance?" I asked from behind Adora.

I found the exact blazer and shirt from Princess Prom. Glimmer insisted I got new pants so they weren't but as soon as i was out of sight, I ripped them again.

Adora smiled as she looked at me. "But I'm just wearing my jacket." She explained.

I smiled and twirled her. "And you look as beautiful as ever. I wouldn't want you any other way.

Glimmer and Bow were dancing off next to us somewhere as I focused on dancing with Adora in time to the music.

"Do you remember when we used to dance to our own songs?" Adora asked me.

I smiled and looked down at our feet. "I do. You remember how they went?" I asked her.

Adora began humming as we both danced in time with our song. We both laughed as she finished and she put her head to mine.

"I missed you." Adora said. I put my chin on her shoulder as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I missed you too." I replied. Adora put both of her arms around my back as I did the same for her.

"This is perfect Catra." Adora whispered. If I wasn't paying attention then I wouldn't have even heard her.

"I'm glad. I wanted to make sure I got it just right for you." I replied. Adora chuckled.

She hugged me a little tighter. "You okay?" I questioned as we broke apart so I could see her face.

"I have a question." Adora said. I twirled her once more. "What is it?"

"You remember that girl Nora?" She asked me. I nodded.

"I was thinking we could take her in. To the castle. It could be like, a family." Adora finished.

I smiled as I looked at her.

"I'd love that." I said. Adora laughed as she went back to hugging me once again.

"A family with you, is the only family I ever want." I said aloud. I didn't mean to but I had anyway.

I spotted Melog across from me with a bow tie looking a bit frightened but then going back to its relaxed expression. "Me too." Adora agreed.

I smiled as I nestled my head into the crook of her neck. Adora lead us now. She slowly turned us continuously in a circle. I saw Glimmer and Bow were talking about something as they kept pushing out from one another and then pulling each other back in with their smiles.

I wish I knew how to dance like that. Sadly the only dancing practice I had was with Adora and I in the Fight Zone. Although she'd be the one to twirl me.

How the tables have turned.

"I missed you." Adora said into my shoulder.

"Well that was random." I said back as I separated myself from her. "I just thought- I haven't been able to spend time with you- I mean like this, for- what feels like forever." She explained.

I nodded as I understood where she was coming from. "I know. But we don't have to worry about that ever again. You're stuck with me." I said with a smile.

Adora laughed as she kissed my cheek and put her hands on my shoulders.

Looking into her ocean eyes I knew I would love her forever. Nothing could change that.

We had our ups and downs. Some couples get into fights. Adora and I- literally got into a war. We've been through way too much to separate us now.

And with Glimmer and Bow to hold us together. And now Nora. Even though I have no idea how to help raise a kid, I'm pretty sure if I do the exact opposite of what Shadow Weaver did, I'll be fine.

Adora put her head to mine with a smile. I smiled back at her as I could hear myself purring.

I didn't care this time. I could hear Adora giggle as she pulled me closer to her.

"I love you, idiot."

"I love you too, dork."

After everything we had gone through in those woods, nothing changed us. It made us better if anything.

After everything, we're still together. I nestled myself closer to Adora as I felt the both of us sway back and forth together.

I knew nothing could separate us again. Not like it had in the past. Not like a stupid sword had.

We were both stupid apart but together- we were- well, wiser.

A.N.~ Thank you for reading! If you haven't, you can check out the latest catradora story I'm working on called Apocalypse~Catradora. I hope you all enjoy it if you do decide to check it out.

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