Chapter 21: Leader

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Catra's P.O.V

I could feel the blood still boiling in me as we made it back up. People surrounded us. "Catra!" "Catra is the real ruler!" "We love you!" I looked around the crowd as they all were- cheering. For me. Some others cheered for Bow, Glimmer and Adora but they didn't know their names.

I realized that once they were just calling them Arrow, Sparkles, and Blondie. I hadn't introduced them.

I grabbed Adora's hand and Bow's as he held onto Glimmer. We all went onto the stairs in front of the tent.

"Alright! Alright everyone!" I called out as we all stood in front of them. "I've realized my mistake in not introducing my friends that have helped me with this. This is Bow, a master archer and even though he can sometimes be a little- much- he's a great friend and warrior." I said as Bow waves to the crowd. They all cheered.

I smiled as he stepped back to reveal Glimmer shaking her head nervously at me. "This, would be Glimmer. She and I were trapped on a ship together and I made sure she got out before i did. She's a great leader, and knows how to- Sparkle." I said while laughing as she bowed in front of the crowd.

I turned to my right to see Adora looking at me with her warm smile. "And this- this is my partner. She's stuck with me, even when I pushed her away. She's helped me through everything. As much of an idiot she is, I love her. She-ra and Adora, everyone!" Everyone cheered even louder for Adora as she smiled even wider and went into my shoulder.

"But now that you all know everyone, I'm guessing you want to tell me something?" I said to the crowd as they all burst out to me and started talking all at once. I couldn't really understand but then all at once they all said. "WE NOMINATE CATRA FOR LEADER!!"

I smiled at Adora as she squeezed my hand. "Well, if you insist." I said to them as they all cheered. I motioned for them to calm down as I began speaking again.

"Well, if I am your leader, I need to do what is right. And right now, being in the middle of the woods, away from everyone else, isn't where you should be. I want to move closer to Brightmoon so we can meet with Queen Glimmer's people as well!" The crowd agreed with me and after a while everyone had calmed down as they all packed their things.

Adora and Glimmer explained that there was a camp being made not too far from here that was close to Brightmoon where we could all stay. And we would all be close together. Glimmer had spoken to her mom and told her to fly in one direction. If she didn't find Brightmoon in that direction she would go in another until we knew which direction to go.

Soon after the day it was dark. Bow was already asleep along with Glimmer as everyone else went into their homes. I stayed sitting at a picnic table.

I waited for Angella to get back so I could tell her that she should rest until morning.

Adora found me and came to sit with me along with Melog at my feet. "Hey leader." Adora said with a smile. I shook my head and smiled back at her. "Hey Adora." I said with a smirk. "Don't do that." Adora said. "Do what?" I asked innocently.

Adora stuck her tongue out at me as she scooted closer to me. "How are you doing?" She asked me. "Well. If I'm being honest, this whole leader thing is a little overwhelming on my own. All the words just kind of came out of me on their own earlier."

I said. Adora put her hand on mine. "You were great today. But you aren't doing this on your own. You have Glimmer and Bow and me." She said to me as she put her shoulder to mine.

"I know. Its just a lot." I explained to her. Adora nodded as she put her head on my shoulder. "I'm always going to be here for you." She said to me. I smiled as I put my head on hers.


I felt my eyes drooping as I thought Adora was already sleeping. I heard Angella return and I got up and held Adora's head in my hands. "We should all get some sleep right now." I said to Angella. She nodded as she looked at Adora.

"You two are quite close." She said. I nodded as I smiled to her. "Hey would you like some help?" Angella asked me. "Yeah sure, thank you." I said. I still had Adora's head in one hand as Angella carried Adora's feet.

I had one hand on her back so she wouldn't wake up. Angella and I gently placed her onto the cots Adora and I had been sleeping on just the night before.

"Catra." Angella said. I turned towards her as I sat down on the cot with my back to Adora. "I'm sorry I was so hard on you when I first came back through the portal. I didn't know how someone could change so much but you proved that you have." "Thank you. It's been.. quite the journey." I said back to her.

She smiled at me. "Well I'm glad I made it back in time before Glimmer and Bow actually are betrothed." She said to me. "You knew?" I asked her.

"I knew? Of course I did. Those two have been inseparable since they met. I know the look someone has when they meet their soulmate. I had that look when I saw Micah. As do you with Adora." She explained with a smile.

I looked down at Adora as I got a piece of her hair to go behind her ear again. I took out her ponytail and took off her jacket and put both of them on a nearby cot that no one was using.

"I hope we can find Brightmoon again do you can see the King." I said to Angella. She nodded at me as a thank you. "Get some rest now Catra." She said to me as she stood to go to another cot.

"You too." I said to her as she walked away. I placed myself on the cot next to Adora's and held her in my arms.

It felt so right to be with her.

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