Chapter 10: Save the Cat

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Adora's P.O.V

"We have to follow Melog. Melog's the only one who knows where Catra is. We find Catra, then we find Glimmer and we'll all be together again."

"What about Naomi and Noah?" Bow asked from behind me. I was speed walking after Melog. Bow was behind me. I could tell he was running out of breath.

"What about them. Catra and Glimmer come first. We can find them after."

"Adora! Why don't you just slow down and think. For one second!" Bow reached new and turned me around. "Turn She-ra off Adora." I did as Bow said and I was myself again.

"Let's come up with something. Why would Melog run away from Catra?" "It wouldn't." "Exactly. So if we're walking into something, whether or not Melog knows, it might be a trap. We need a plan." Bow explained.

I nodded as Bow began to think. "Let's just go slow. That alright Melog?" I turned to see Melog sitting and looking in the direction it had been going. It meowed at us and started taking small strides. Bow and I were right next to it.

Melog lowered itself to the ground. Bow and I did the same. "We're close." I whispered to Bow. He nodded as he motioned for me to keeping looking forward.

I did so as I heard yelling. It sounded like people were running away from something. But what?

"Glimmer!" Someone was yelling. But I didn't recognize the voice. At least I didn't think I had. Bow was already running towards the voices. Melog followed. I soon did as well.

When I got into the clearing I saw other people. People that looked like Catra. But none of them were actually her. They all looked different. Some of them with yellow eyes, others with green, and some had white fur and others had orange.

I scanned each and every one. No Catra. When I turned around I was faced with one. She had a sword. I quickly transformed into She-ra. I put my sword to hers as she began to speak.

"Who are you people?" "Were your worst nightmare. And you have some of our friends. We aren't stopping until we get them back. Where are they?"

"Like I would tell an outsider where anything is. Over my dead body." I scoffed. "Suit yourself." It didn't take long.

I had her down soon enough. I put my sword to her throat. "Let me ask this one more time, where are they?" "Who?" "Glimmer and Catra. I know you have them." She looked at me. She had a hint of recognition in her eye. "You're Adora aren't you?" I put the sword closer to her throat.

"Where. Are. They?" She didn't speak. "Who are you." "Rose. I'm the leader here. Catra's sister." I stepped back a bit.

"You're lying." I said. She smiled and shrugged. I let her up. I held her clothes in the back. "Lead me to them." Rose obliged.

We began walking down to a basement. Rose pointed to a cell in the corner. I threw Rose to the ground and ran to the cage as I slid on my knees to get to it.

I grabbed onto the bars. "Catra! Glimmer!" I looked deeper into the cell. There was no one in there. "What is this? Where are they?" "Adora!" Bow ran to me after I heard something hit the wall. Rose was stuck on the wall with a net trapping her.

"She tried to hit you over the head." Bow said as he helped me up. "Adora!" I heard a voice in the distance. "Was that-." "Yes. Leave her. Let's go."

Bow grabbed my hand as he pulled me up the stairs as Rose was yelling after us. Bow bumped into someone once we were on the stairs. "Naomi?" She smiled at us.

"We're going to get Catra and Glimmer." "Noah and I will stay. We know their leader went down there. "Yeah. She's trapped. Make sure she doesn't escape." Naomi nodded as Bow and I continued to run up the stairs.

"Adora!" It was Catra. I ran as fast as I could but I didn't know which direction her voice had come from. "Bow? Where are they? Do you know?" Bow shook his head. Then he pointed a finger up. "I have an idea. Melog!"

Melog came running to us. It meowed to us as it ran back to where it had come from. Bow and I looked at each other as we both ran after it. "Catra!" "Glimmer!" Bow and I kept calling out to them. Melog ran faster and faster until we came to a tent.

I pushed my way inside as I saw Catra with a gag in her mouth as she was crying. I saw Glimmer next to her trying to yell. "Bow wait." I whispered to him. He looked around. "How have they been gagged when they were just yelling a minute ago? Just watch out."

Bow nodded as he drew his Bow. I kept my sword out. We both slowly made our way towards Catra and Glimmer. I got on my knees and shook the bars. "Catra! It's me! I'm here!" Catra looked up at me. She said my name through the gag. "Madowa!" She kept shaking her head and moving her hands.

"Oh Adora, you didn't think that you could take me down in my own kingdom, did you?"

I was hit in the back of the head when I heard Bow trying to fight back. "Adora! Adora!" I could see him blurring as he fought. He punched the guards and tried to draw his bow once again but he couldn't. I saw was Bow being punched in the face and getting knocked out. I turned towards Catra as she kept shaking her head and trying to talk to me. She couldn't. Tears were forming in my eyes.

Everything went black.

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