Chapter 16: Chloe and Tiger

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Adora's P.O.V

"Catra that was amazing!" Glimmer said as Catra broke away from me. She still held onto my hand as she blushed at all of the attention. "Yeah. Whatever." She said while smiling.

Suddenly a familiar voice called out to us. Or more to Catra. "Hey! Catra." Chloe.

"That was great." She said as she walked closer to us. Glimmer looked at me. She saw how angry I already was. I didn't know why I felt like this but it was just a feeling I got.

"Thanks. I'm just trying to make sure we aren't seen as a threat." Catra said as she squeezed my hand. "Threat? No. I think the people want you to be leader. Rose will be the only one seen as a threat." Chloe said with a smile. Catra smiled back as Chloe went on about something.

I didn't want to pay attention to her words. All I could pay attention to was how much Chloe was touching Catra. I could tell Catra was uncomfortable but she didn't say anything. I heard Melog come up behind me as it started to purr against my leg. I smiled to myself as I realized that was what Catra was really feeling.

"Oh. Are you two together?" Chloe asked as she pointed at Catra and I's hands. "Oh- um. We havent really put a label or anything on-." "Yes. We are." I said as I stepped closer to Chloe. Chloe smiled as she stepped back a little.

"Oh, good!" She said widening her smile. "Hey Chlo!" Someone called from the crowd. It was a boy. He came looking and saw Chloe waving as he ran to her. He had orange fur and white and black spots all over. Including his tail.

"This is my boyfriend Tiger." Chow explained as Tiger waved at all of us. Boyfriend? Had she just been friendly with Catra this entire time? I'm so stupid.

"Nice to meet you Catra said as she held her hand out. Catra introduces Glimmer and Bow to the two and they started to chat. I patted Melog on the head as it looked up to me. "I'm crazy huh?" I asked Melog. No response. Just the purring.

After a few minutes of chatting we got to talking about the portal. Tiger and Chloe were still there.

"You know about it too?" Chloe asked. "You knew? We should've just asked them." Catra said using her hands to make a big motion to them. We all laughed as Catra smiled at us. "We have a map, but we aren't sure how to read it." Naomi said as she stepped forward.

"Well, where is this map you speak of?" Tiger asked. Naomi grabbed it out of her pocket and handed it to him. He sat down and examined it. "Well. You might need me to come with you. This could be dangerous to go out on your own. You could get lost." He explained.

"Well how long will it take to get there?" I asked him. "Probably a few hours. Its almost night now. We should wait until tomorrow to start going." He said.

"Well that gives us plenty of time to decide who's going in." I said as I turned to Catra and the others.

"I should go. She's my mother." Glimmer said as she stepped forward. "No. It should be me. I'm the reason she's in there." "If you go in and she recognizes you, she may think you're still with the Horde. That's too risky. You need to get out as fast as possible."

Catra shook her head. "No. This was my doing. I'm going to undo it. Please Glimmer." Catra pleaded. Glimmer sighed. She took off one of her replica earrings and handed it to Catra. "If you show her this, she'll know you're with us." Glimmer explained. Catra nodded as she put the earring in her back pocket.

"Well why don't we get some rest?" Tiger said as he motioned for us to follow him. He directed us to a nearby camp area where there were beds set up just like they had been at the camp we stayed at while we planned against Horde Prime.

Catra took the farthest bed. I took the one right next to it. Bow and Glimmer were a bed away in separate ones. Naomi and Noah across from us and Tiger and Chloe went somewhere else. Most likely their own home.

Catra was tossing and turning for a while. I noticed this and put my hand to her shoulder. She flipped around to face me. Melog was curled up next to me.

"Adora, can you sleep with me?" Catra asked me with her eyes drooping. I smiled and stood. "Of course. I pushed my bed right next to hers and got in as she snuggled right next to me. She was still facing me.

"So, girlfriends huh?" Catra asked me. I blushed as I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah I guess so. Is that okay?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled. "Adora, I've been meaning to ask- what were you dreaming about? Before I woke you up in the tent?"

I thought back to what she was talking about. "It was Horde Prime. He had finally captured me and put me in the green river you had told me about. He brainwashed me and even though we were together, we didn't have any memories. We were slaves to him." Catra opened her mouth to speak but didn't say anything.

She pulled herself closer to me and hugged me gently. "I won't ever let that happen." Catra said. She leaned away from me and kissed my forehead.

"Just like I won't let some portal separate us. Everything will be fine tomorrow. I'll be waiting on the other side when you come back out." I said. "You're coming too?" "Of course. Every time I'm away from you it reminds me of when we were lost. I don't want that again." I explained. Catra smiled and hugged me again.

"I love you Adora." "I love you too."

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