Chapter Two

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Sara speaks with Ava, Oliver gets a massive shock, and it's Legends and company vs. Mallus's army.


"Just point and shoot," Jonah instructed Helen.

She took aim at one of the beer bottles, then fired and hit it dead center. "Damn, girl," Zari smirked at Jonah's jump.

Helen grinned, then proceeded to shoot every bottle in the rest of the line. "Whoa," Jax grinned. "Nice shooting!"

"Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" Jonah demanded.

"I learned to fight on Themyscira," Helen answered, handing the gun back and giving Sara and Zari appreciative looks. "But the Legends were the ones that inspired me. You gave me the gift of a new life. It is an honor to be here to help you save yours."

"Thank you," Sara nodded. "But we need to be teaching you to use the Totems, and I'm pretty sure you didn't learn that on Themyscira."

"Sorry, my college courses didn't include 'How to Wield a Totem of Zambesi,'" Cisco shook his head.

"Yeah, we're here for you and the Legends, Sara," Barry nodded. "We're not replacing any of you. Consider us the back-up."

Sara ignored the snort Malcolm made at that. "Look, we've already tried twice, and we failed miserably," she said, walking away.

Ava scowled, walking after her. "You still don't see it, do you, Sara?" she asked. "You guys made Kuasa and Helen's lives better. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. We are all here to support the Legends. And what, you're gonna stand there and tell me that you aren't the exact people to wield the Totems against Mallus now?"

Sara smirked slightly. "Good speech," she admitted.

Ava huffed. "Thank you."

"And, uh," Sara shuffled. "It's a good point."

Ava nodded. "Uh, by the way," she bit her lip. "I wanted to ask you, just . . . did you mean what you said, the last time we saw each other?"

"When I told you to run?" Sara raised an eyebrow.

"No," Ava shook her head. "Before that."

Sara thought back, then froze. "Oh. Oh, you mean when I told you I loved you."

"Yeah," Ava winced.

Sara smirked. "What do you think?"

"I, uh . . . " Ava gulped; Sara heard Laurel snicker quietly into her drink. "Think that . . . "

Before she could finish, the door to the saloon banged open. "Howdy, partners!" Palmer bounded in with a wide grin. "What did I miss?"

Sara scowled. "Where's Darhk?" she asked.

"I'd really hoped that was Martin kidding," Oliver muttered to Kara as they got out of their seats.

"Um," Ray trailed off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Nate shouted, drawing the pistol he had, and Oliver's attention was drawn to the dark-haired woman in a grey coat that closed the door behind her, hands held up. "Wrong Darhk! Wrong Darhk!"

"Wrong Darhk?" Kara asked in confusion, seeing other weapons get drawn.

Malcolm, however, cursed violently, and Oliver's face drained of color. "Nora?" he asked in shock.

The woman halted in her tracks, eyes wide. "Oliver Queen?"

"No, no, no," Palmer skidded between her and Oliver, Nora's eyes quickly narrowing to slits. "Look, look, look, she's – she's been de-Mallused! She's no longer a demon!"

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